No 2 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Marketing analysis of the range of medicines for physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is an integral and important element of the medical care system for the population. Physiotherapy treatment, among other things, is included in the program of state guarantees of free medical care to the population, which is one of the priorities of state policy in the field of healthcare. The use of physical factors in the treatment of various diseases increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces the time of rehabilitation, reduces the number of exacerbations of chronic diseases and the need for hospitalization. In order to increase the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs, some methods of physiotherapy are based on a combination of the influence of physical factors (electric current, ultrasound, their combination) and pharmacotherapy. In order to study the range of drugs used in various methods of physiotherapy, its structural analysis was carried out, macro- and mesocontures of the drug market were constructed.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):100-103
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Mesotherapy and its promotion as a method of modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine in the countries of the world
Currently, physicians, researchers, scientific societies and health authorities are interested in evaluating the benefits, efficacy and safety of various ingredients and their various combinations, medical technologies and experience, as well as standardizing mesotherapy protocols and ingredients for use in the field of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. In cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, indications for the use of mesotherapy are the need to dissolve fat, various skin conditions, alopecia, skin aging, lipolysis, pigmentation, cellulite, etc. The mesotherapy method uses products that are completely biocompatible and absorbable, a variety of techniques are used in mesotherapy, including less invasive needleless and microneedle. Despite the fact that mesotherapy is considered an effective technique, the issues of standardizing the methodology and dosing regimen, as well as determining the correct indications in clinical practice, remain unresolved. Further research is needed to evaluate the benefits, efficacy and safety of various ingredients and their various combinations (dose, frequency of administration, efficacy and safety), medical technology and experience, and the clinical role of mesotherapy in different applications. Research is required on the mechanisms of action of mesotherapy in combination with standard treatment methods, further development of products for complete facial rejuvenation. In the field of cell therapy and for parenteral drug delivery, the mechanisms of transdermal delivery of agents using various devices, their stability, efficacy, sterility, cytotoxicity, general toxicity, and skin sensitization require further study. In the study of microneedling, further research is needed to substantiate the therapeutic effect, the use of various methods, including pneumatic injections, nanochips, fractional microneedling. With volumizing procedures, it is necessary to understand the synergistic effect of different mesotherapy techniques, the properties of various fillers, their safety and effectiveness. More research is needed in the field of molecular diagnostic methods for early treatment of pathogenesis and prevention of infection during mesotherapy. Of particular importance is the problem of assessing the safety level of mesotherapy and determining standardized therapy parameters to minimize the risk of potential adverse reactions. At the same time, mesotherapy, as a method that gives a systemic sparing effect, can be synergized with other pharmacological or non-pharmacological methods of treatment.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):104-112
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The attitude of consumers to the taste of medicines and the possibility of its correction
The article analyzes the preferences and opinions of the population regarding the possibility of self-correction of the taste of medicines sold in pharmacies of finished dosage forms. It has been established that the optimal solution to the problem of taking medicines with a bitter or unpleasant taste is the addition of a corrigent in liquid form based on a natural or synthetic sweetener to the medicines.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):113-116
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Improving operational pharmacovigilance systems in the context of new geopolitical risks
Changes in political and economic conditions can inevitably affect various sectors of industry, including pharmaceutical. For the pharmaceutical industry, one of the significant risks in the context of changing cooperative and logistical relationships is geopolitical, characterized by the complexity of forecasting commodity-money relationships and the threat of reducing the level of safety and effectiveness of the drugs being traded. An analysis of global data has shown that the application of economic sanctions can lead to supply difficulties, which leads to defects in medicines and medical products on the national pharmaceutical market. Changing permanent suppliers, turning to less reliable sources of raw materials and materials can increase the risk of reducing the effectiveness of drugs and an increase in the number of adverse drug reactions.The article presents a model of the impact of new geopolitical risks on the Russian pharmaceutical market and the role of pharmacovigilance at a pharmaceutical enterprise to minimize this risk. The proposed theoretical model defines the improvement of the pharmacovigilance system at a pharmaceutical enterprise as a vector of minimizing geopolitical risk and developing a pharmaceutical quality system.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):117-121
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“New” rare diseases and budget deficiency: is the problem “great”?
A new additional task for healthcare organizers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the period from 2012 to 2021 becomes the satisfaction of the need of patients with rare diseases in therapy with drugs that were registered in the Russian Federation for the treatment of diseases that are not included in the programs of preferential drug provision for patients with rare (orphan) diseases of the federal and regional levels (“high-cost nosologies” and the List life-threatening and chronic progressive rare (orphan) diseases that lead to a reduction in life expectancy of citizens or their disability) - “new” rare diseases. Based on the results of the study, the number of diagnosed and treated patients with such rare diseases was established as well as the budget deficit for drug provision of patients with diseases from the noted List.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):122-125
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COVID-19 burden: emotions of fear in healthcare providers
Introduction. At the end of 2019, an outbreak of coronavirus infection occurred in the People's Republic of China, which rapidly grew into a pandemic, affecting all countries. Doctors found themselves in a situation where it was necessary to apply all their skills and knowledge to “fight” the pandemic, putting their lives at risk.Purpose of the study. Study the emotional status of health workers affected by coronavirus infection.Patients and methods. The study involved 126 people: employees of a children's clinical hospital aged 19 to 65 years who suffered from COVID-19. Analysis of verbal responses, vegetative nervous system status, pantomimics and micro-expressions to control questions was conducted.Results. For control questions, the majority of respondents had hyperstick-hyperstick in 111 people, yawning in 13 people studied. Sweating - 15 people. A large number of discriminators were noted (licking and snacking on the red border of the lips, please drink) for 108 people. Pale facial skin was found in 33 respondents. Swelling, changes in the timbre of the voice to high, occurred in 115 subjects. Gestures-adapters (stroking the knees, hands, in the area of the jugular depression, the occipital part of the neck) were noted in 117 counselors. Gestures-manipulators (with phones, jewelry, clothing decor) for 70 interviewees. Strong micro-expressions of fear were not revealed, they prevailed in mild form in 108, less often in average - 15. In some cases, emotion was hidden by a neutral expression.Conclusion. Already, the work of psychologists of medical institutions should be aimed at correcting and psychotherapy of emotional disorders (fear), which will disguise themselves as panic attacks and syndromes of vegetative disorders in patients who have suffered COVID-19.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):126-131
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The issue of medical and psychological risks of anesthesia in obstetrics
Anesthesia, being an ethical necessity, is increasingly used in caesarean sections, the number of which is growing in the world, especially against the backdrop of an increase in the number of women in labor of older reproductive age. As an effective method for preventing maternal and perinatal deaths, anesthesia can lead to short-term and long-term health consequences for women and children. A study of the quality of medical care for anesthesia and the level of satisfaction of mothers after caesarean section showed that about 80% of women in labor were satisfied with spinal anesthesia. Of particular relevance are the problems of obstetrics and anesthesia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the choice of anesthesia method for caesarean section is crucial for pregnant women with COVID-19. Neurocognitive complications of anesthesia are mainly caused by exposure to factors of preoperative procedures, as well as the action of adjuvant agents used to enhance the effect of local anesthetics, which are also neurotoxic. Perioperative cognitive impairment most often manifests itself in two main forms: postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction. It is necessary to further study the issues of pharmacokinetic characteristics of drugs that determine the level of their passage through the placenta and into mother's milk in the perinatal period and during lactation, their effect on breastfed infants, the risk of inhibition of lactogenesis in women after childbirth, etc. In connection with an increase in childbirth in women of older reproductive age and the use of anesthesia for caesarean section, the question of the effect of anesthesia on the risk in women of early dementia is of interest.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):132-138
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The use of the Min-Max method in assessing the effectiveness of health care and drug provision of the population
The result of the health care system is to improve the health indicators of the population, reduce the incidence rate and increase life expectancy. It becomes relevant to identify the regions that, with relatively insignificant financial costs for health care, were able to achieve the most significant results, both in the health care system and in the organization of drug provision. The article describes the essence and methodology of the Min-Max method, the main stages of the comparative analysis of the regional health care system and the organization of drug supply, allowing to assess and select the regions with the highest efficiency indicators and use their experience to organize medical care and improve the drug supply system.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):139-142
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Theoretical substantiation of the concept “strategic analysis in health care” (review of literature)
The article provides a theoretical justification of the concept of “strategic analysis” in relation to public health, a brief review of literary sources. The purpose of the study is to analyze existing approaches to priority areas of strategic analysis within the framework of the development of the healthcare system in Russia. The main research methods are the method of studying and generalizing experience, content analysis, comparative analysis. The article analyzed a number of generally accepted definitions, for a deeper study of the methodological basis of the concepts, an assessment and systematization of normative legal documents on strategic goals was carried out. As a result, the main priority directions in the development of healthcare were identified, which will serve as a basis for further analysis in the context of new challenges and realities of the modern world.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):143-146
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Pharmacoeconomical analysis of treatment regimens for diabetes mellitus in outpatient settings
The article presents a pharmacoeconomical study of treatment regimens for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in outpatient settings. Direct medical, direct non-medical and indirect costs were analyzed. Within the framework of direct medical costs, the cost of drug therapy, the cost of laboratory and instrumental research methods, the cost of providing services by medical professionals were considered. To calculate direct medical costs, we analyzed education in diabetes schools, undergoing sanatorium treatment. Indirect costs included payments of disability benefits, payments on temporary disability sheets. The data obtained formed the basis for the analysis of the «cost of the disease».
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):147-154
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Peoples preferential provision of medicines, medical devices, specialized health food products: system and regulation in the Perm region
The analysis of normative legal acts of federal and regional legislation in the Perm region on the system of providing citizens with medicines, medical devices and health food products was carried out. In the article, the process of organizing preferential drug provision of the population is presented by the authors in the form of a structural-logical diagram with the designation of its stages, the subjects of the system, their interaction and workflow.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):155-160
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Risks in the lifestyle of students
The article presents a review of foreign literature on health risks in the lifestyle of students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many researchers in their work show a significant impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic factors of students' life, which in turn affects their health. In the lifestyle of students during the pandemic, such negative trends as malnutrition, low physical activity, depressive syndromes, and psychological status disorders have become highly prevalent. These circumstances contributed to the decrease in overall indicators of satisfaction with the quality of life among students.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):161-164
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Retrospective analysis of the organization of sanitary and educational activities of pharmacy organizations in the USSR
Sanitary education in the USSR was one of the key factors in preserving the health of the population with the mandatory participation of all employees of the healthcare system, including pharmaceutical specialists. The article highlights the contribution of pharmaceutical specialists to the sanitary education of the population of the USSR in retrospect for the period 1917-1991. The main chronological stages of the evolution of sanitary and educational activities in pharmacy organizations are given, as well as an overview of the main regulatory documents regulating this activity and influencing its development and improvement is presented. The publication describes the main types, types, methods and methods of health education with the participation of pharmaceutical specialists in the USSR.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):165-171
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Marketing aspects of medical tourism development
The article considers the conditions for the development of marketing activities to promote a tourist destination, or a medical organization in the medical tourism market. The main indicators of the development of the industry, the most popular directions of medical tourist trips are noted. The factors contributing to marketing activity to ensure the popularity of subjects exporting medical services are highlighted.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):172-176
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True Soviet medicine in the Kremlin. Report 1: Peculiarities of Infrastructure
The authors present a triptych of articles revealing different aspects of ‘Kremlin medicine’, the Soviet health care system designed exclusively for the political elite of the USSR and its associated countries and communist parties, as well as for the Soviet scientific and cultural elite. The first part reveals the infrastructural features of ‘Kremlin medicine’, which allowed it to become a world-class medical and scientific center. The authors used for such reconstruction the funds of the State archive of economy and memories of contemporaries. The capabilities of ‘Kremlin medicine’ seens particularly impressive in contrast to the weakening and increasingly scarce civil healthcare system.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):177-185
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Formation of drug provision on the Russian railroads in the XIX - early XX centuries
The article uses materials of congresses of Pirogov society and railway physicians to consider main problems of Russian railroads medicine provision at the turn of 19-20th century. It is shown that the main attention of doctors was focused on solution of organizational problems and infrastructural deficits of medicines, pharmacies, pharmacists and others.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(2):186-190
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