No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Market analysis of herbal remedies used for respiratory diseases
Introduction. The widespread prevalence of diseases of the respiratory system, especially among children, implies the use of a wide range of drugs for their treatment and prevention, including herbal medicinal products (HMP). Dietary supplements (DS) based on plant raw materials, despite the status of specialized food products, are often considered by target audiences as analogues of HMP, which makes it necessary to take them into account when studying the market of HMP.The purpose of the study is to give a general description of Russian market of HMP and DS used for treatment of the respiratory system (RS) diseases.Materials and methods. The study was conducted using the IQVIA retail audit database, official sources of information on the registration of HMP and DS. HMP and DS are classified according to the scope of application, composition, age of patients, from which it is allowed to use these remedies.Results. In 2020, pharmacy sales of HMP and DS used for respiratory diseases amounted to 140.7 million packages worth 14.4 billion rubles in wholesale prices. Compared to 2016, the average annual growth rate in value terms has been 3.4%. In units, the market shrank by an average of 4.5% per year (due to HMP). In 2016-2021, the registration of DS for RS took place at a significantly higher rate compared to HMP (1204 vs. 48 registered positions). DS with a multicomponent composition were characterized by higher sales dynamics, but the share of DS by the end of 2020 was less than 10% in the structure of the entire segment.The main part of the entire range of HMP (75%) consists of drugs that can be prescribed to patients under the age of 18 (of which 23% can be used by children under 3 years). In the structure of the DS assortment, the share of children's products is only 3.2%.Conclusion. The increase of the quantity of DS registrations with a composition similar to HMP doesn’t give any advantages in sales, as indicated by the continued high share of HMP. A limitation for market expansion of DS is that the segment of the treatment of RS diseases is largely focused on children's health in which the use of DS, including those of plant origin, has strict restrictions.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):4-11
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Assortment analysis of the pharmaceutical online market of over-the-counter drugs for external use in thermal burns
The article presents data on the results of a study of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation of anti-burn OTC drugs for external use included in the State Register of Medicines. A classification of pharmaceutical care measures is proposed depending on the degree of skin damage within the framework of responsible self-treatment. According to the results of the content analysis, the structure of the Internet assortment of ATX-groups of OTC drugs for local treatment of burns is reflected. The results of the analysis of the range of OTC drugs for use depending on the degree of thermal burn are presented.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):12-16
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Physico-chemical properties of prolongators included in eye drops
Vision is one of the most important of the senses given to man by nature. Any visual impairment dramatically reduces the quality of human life, so this problem is not only medical, but also social. This article conducting research on the physico-chemical properties of prolongators that are part of eye drops. The article presents the rationale for the choice of substances (GEC, GPMC, PEG-6000 and hualuronic acid), the function of which is to increase the viscosity of the solution for a prolonged effect of eye drops due to their longer mechanical retention on the surface of the eye.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):17-20
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Bringing registration dossiers in line with the requirements of the EAEU is the number one priority for pharmaceutical industry enterprises
In accordance with the Agreement on Uniform Principles and Rules for the Circulation of Medicines within the Eurasian Economic Union dated December 23, 2014, starting in 2026, the circulation of medicines in the territory of all EAEU member states: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, will be governed by supranational legal acts and norms of the Union. In order not to lose sales markets, domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers must, by December 31, 2025, bring all registration dossiers for drugs registered earlier to comply with the requirements of the Union, and obtain registration certificates in the EAEU format. The article analyzes the amount of work that needs to be done to bring one registration dossier for a medicinal product in line with the Union's requirements, presents the time costs and the main emphasis is on a project-based approach to solving the problem of transition to the EAEU legal norms.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):21-25
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A rational approach to the issue of responsible self-treatment through the prism of pharmaceutical counseling
The problem of self-medication is one of the key issues in the development of public health and its importance is steadily increasing every year. The results of various sociological studies show that more than half of the population of the Russian Federation prefers to be treated on their own and seeks qualified medical help only in extreme cases. This may be due not only to an increase in the level of literacy of the population regarding the use of medicines, but also to a decrease in the level of accessibility and quality of medical care. To prevent the risks associated with self-medication, it is necessary to introduce the concept of responsible self-medication, where the role of the pharmaceutical worker as a specialist who can influence the culture of self-medication through pharmaceutical consulting remains important.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):26-29
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Assessment of problems in the organization of day hospitals
Introduction. In the context of the need increasing the efficiency of resource use, the development of day hospitals is an urgent task of Russian healthcare. In 2016-2021, the volume of planned medical care in day hospitals per 1 insured increased by 5.43%, and the tariff doubled. There is a strong opinion among specialists about the high medical and economic efficiency of day hospitals. However, the imperfection of the principles of financing day hospitals, regulatory documents regulating the work of day hospitals, weak integration and coordination of polyclinics and hospitals significantly reduce the efficiency of day hospitals.The aim of our research is to analyze and evaluate problems in the organization of day hospitals.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Kazan City Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. The study was conducted retrospectively according to medical records for 2017-2019. The number of cases of medical care in day hospitals included in the study was 6,877. Various methods of mathematical statistics were used in the course of the study.Results. Mostly, the referral for treatment in day hospitals was made out by district therapists. More patients were admitted to day hospitals on the basis of a round-the-clock hospital in October, July, September and April, and to day hospitals at the polyclinic in November, March and February. In the day hospital on the basis of a round-the-clock hospital, 73.5% of hospitalizations were carried out from Monday to Wednesday, and in the day hospital at the polyclinic even 80.4%. On Saturdays, hospitalization did not exceed 0.4% in a day hospital on the basis of a round-the-clock hospital and 1.9% on the basis of a polyclinic. On Sundays, patients were not hospitalized in day hospitals of the medical organization. The study of medical records showed that in a third of female patients and 42.7% of male patients, data on prehospital examinations were not included in the medical history or they were not carried out. Medical supervision on Saturdays and Sundays was not organized in 20% of cases of providing medical care to patients in a day hospital with a 24-hour hospital and 9% of cases in day hospitals on the basis of polyclinics. Examinations of the head of the department were not carried out in 82% of cases in day hospitals at polyclinics. On Sundays, there are only isolated cases of discharge from day hospitals.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):30-34
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Features of drug provision in palliative care
The article analyzes the problems of drug care for palliative patients. It is noted that the legal regulation of palliative care in the Russian Federation is gradually being improved, filling in the legislative gaps and eliminating the legal uncertainties associated with the formation of this type of medical care in our country. Particular attention is paid to the study of issues of ensuring access for palliative patients to drugs containing narcotic and psychotropic substances. The main obstacles are both legal restrictions on the circulation of such drugs and the dangers associated with the consumption of such substances. The phenomenon of opioid phobia, which is characteristic of medical workers when prescribing drugs containing narcotic substances, is also important. In this regard, the article analyzes the current changes in the legislation on the protection of the health of citizens, as well as criminal legislation, designed to provide medicines to patients who receive palliative care.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):35-41
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Structure and staff of hospital pharmacies in the Russian Federation
Introduction. An important item of expenditure of health facilities (HF) is the purchase of medicines, medical devices and other goods that are provided by pharmacies - structural divisions of the HF. The purpose of the work is to study the current state of the hospital pharmacies in Russia.Materials and methods. To collect data on hospital pharmacies in Russia, an online questionnaire was conducted using an online questionnaire we developed, which consisted of 78 questions. Responses were received from 233 HF in 65 Federal subjects of the Russian Federation of all federal districts.Results. The median number of beds in the HF served by the pharmacy is 308, and the median commodity circulation is 48 million rubles. Only 27.9% of hospital pharmacies of the Moscow Region have a license for the manufacture of drugs, and 21.9% - for the manufacture of sterile drugs. About 20% of hospital pharmacies have departments in their structure. It was found that the value of the area of the hospital pharmacies is directly proportional to the number of HF beds (r = 0.564) and the value of commodity circulation in monetary terms (r = 0.425). The range of products of the hospital pharmacy is represented by medicines, medical devices for treatment, medical devices for diagnostics and disinfectants, which requires special competencies for competent planning and procurement. The most common positions are the head of a pharmacy, a pharmacist and a pharmacist-technologist. Median occupancy rates in absolute terms (4.0) and the number of pharmaceutical workers employed per 100 beds (1.2) may indicate an unmet need for staff, which is confirmed by data on a shortage of specialists in more than 60% of HF and the value of the actual deficit rates (more than 15%) in the absence of current staffing standards. Personnel aging continues, and its renewal on the part of university graduates is difficult. The need for updating the legal regulation of the activities of pharmacies of the Moscow Region is demonstrated.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):42-49
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Main trends of biomedicine and biopharmaceutical technologies development in bioeconomics
The article examines the main trends in the development of bioeconomics in Russia and abroad on the example of such socially significant sectors as biomedicine and biopharmaceuticals. It is shown that in the near future and in the long-term period as well, the role of these sectors will only increase due to the need to confront new threats that arise from epidemics and the negative macroeconomic consequences caused by them. At the same time, it is emphasized that the wider implementation of the bioeconomics principles based on biotechnologies in all sectors will contribute to economic growth and sustainable development of the society in general.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):50-57
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Application of the ATC/DDD methodology in predicting the need for genetically engineered biological products used to treat patients with rheumatic diseases in a hospital setting
Objective. To assess the feasibility of using the ATC/DDD methodology to predict the needs for genetically engineered biological drugs on the model of a republican hospital of the third level.Materials and methods. Medical documents (3329 patient health records with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis during 2015-2020 years; 1181 appointment sheets) were used in our research. Retrospective and frequency analyses were used for learning of actual consumption of genetically engineered biological drugs (GIBD). Requirements on one case and for 355 predicted cases are calculated with the ATC/DDD methodology in natural unit of measurement (mg).Results and discussion. The frequency of appointments of 6 INN GIBP for 2019 has been established. The number of cases of the use of GIBP for 2020 is predicted - 355 cases. The forecast of the annual demand for GIBP in natural indicators (mg) and packages was obtained, which was compared with the actual consumption of GIBP for 2020.Conclusion. Based on the established discrepancies between the actual and predicted consumption of GIBD using ATC/DDD analysis for 4 INN, the discrepancy exceeded the criterion value of 25% (Abatacept - 62.33%, Infliximab - 73.35%, Rituximab - 68.42%, Certolizumab pegol - 38.63%), which indicates that it is inappropriate to use this method to predict the hospital need for GIBD.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):58-62
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Organizational problems of pharmacy organizations when working in the system of monitoring the movement of medicines
To improve drug safety in Russia, a federal state information system for monitoring the movement of medicines for medical use from the manufacturer to the consumer has been developed and implemented using the two-dimensional DataMatrix code marking. This article presents the preparatory organizational measures that pharmacy organizations had to carry out in order to participate in the monitoring system and adapt working conditions to the requirements of the legislation. The introduction of a drug monitoring system has caused significant changes in the implementation of such processes in the activities of pharmacy organizations as the acceptance and sale release of medicines. In this paper, the main organizational problems related to the participation of pharmacy organizations in the system of monitoring the movement of medicines are disclosed.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):63-66
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Iron deficiency: epidemiological issues and association with patient psychological health
The authors studied the world experience in the prevalence of various clinical manifestations of iron deficiency conditions and made an attempt to generalize their etiological data. The article deals with the issues of latent iron deficiency, and describes the scenarios for the development of absolute and functional deficiencies in iron deficiency anemia. Particular attention is paid to the search for scientific sources reporting on the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of iron deficiency conditions.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):67-71
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Population aging and stigmatization: problems and solutions
Population aging is a natural and irreversible process associated with the development of the economic well-being of society. According to the World Population Prospects, by 2050, one in six people on the planet will be over 65 years old. Studying the problems of workers of pre-retirement and retirement age will make it possible to manage the processes of stigmatization and painlessly prepare people for a new social status in society. Based on the results of the work, the author concluded that when developing public health measures on the problem of aging today, it is important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, to take into account individual and social approaches that will help the recovery and adaptation of older people in society.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):72-74
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Harmonization of healthcare technologies regulation in frame of regional integration processes
The rapid increase in the consumption of medical products in various regions of the world driven by demographic processes, emergencies and globalization of development and production processes result in a series of threats and challenges to states in relation to ensuring control of safety and quality. No country in the world, regardless of the level of economic development, is no longer able to provide the necessary level of control over imported medical products without the formation of stable mechanisms for exchanging information with the control and supervisory authorities of other countries, as well as supporting the implementation of advanced standards of regulating the circulation of these products. The convergence of regulations in certain spheres of activity of states in certain regions of the world has been a widespread trend in recent decades, especially with regard to health technologies. In this article, the author examines the features of health technologies regulation harmonization within the framework of regional integration associations in the European and African region to formulate recommendations for the implementation of similar approaches to the development of supranational regulation of the common markets in EAEU.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):75-81
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Rare diseases in the subjects of the Russian Federation: are these patients rare?
This article presents data from the regional segments of the Federal Register of Persons Suffering from Life-threatening and Chronic Progressive Rare (Orphan) Diseases that Reduce Life Expectancy or Disability of Citizens, on the number of patients in the subjects of the Russian Federation with these diseases per 100,000 population in the Russian Federation at the end of 2020. We also analyzed the data of the regional segments of the Federal Register on the number of patients with the most expensive diseases from those presented in the leading regions in terms of the number of patients included in the regional segment of the Federal Register. At the same time, the data of the regional segments of the Federal Register on the number of patients with the most expensive diseases in the subjects with the smallest number of such patients are presented. Based on the analysis, the subjects of the Russian Federation were identified, in which the level of provision of patients with rare life-threatening diseases with drugs in 2020 was 65% and above. Also in this article are the subjects of the Russian Federation, in which the level of provision of patients with rare life-threatening diseases with drugs in 2020 was 50% or lower. Finally, the availability of medicines for patients with certain rare life-threatening diseases was established as a proportion of patients receiving medicines from the number included in the corresponding register.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):82-87
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Activities of municipalities in the field of drug provision of the population in Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century
The article analyzes the activities of zemstvo and city public self-governments of the Russian Empire in the field of drug provision of the population. It is shown that in this area, municipalities, despite significant differences in the scale and organizational forms of their medical and social activities, had common tasks and solutions. This was due to the special conditions for the legal regulation of the pharmaceutical sector and the focus of the activities of municipalities on addressing public health issues. Zemstvos and cities were united by the struggle to obtain the pre-emptive right to open free pharmacies, to increase the availability of drug care. Modestly represented in the total mass of free pharmacies in Russia, it was the municipalities that bore the main burden of providing civilian hospitals with medicines. This prompted them to look for ways to optimize supply, developed contacts with foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical products. The social and state priorities demonstrated by the zemstvos and cities during the First World War convinced the government of the expediency of the municipalization of the pharmacy business. However, the political events of the autumn of 1917 directed its development along a different path.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):88-93
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I. G. Kashinsky (1772-1846)
The article is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ivan G. Kashinsky, a doctor of medicine, a specialist in the field of pharmacognosy and pharmacy, a military doctor, a participant in the war of 1806-1807 and the Patriotic War of 1812. I. G. Kashinskiy is an author of original researches and teaching aids and the first Russian balloonist who made a flight over Moscow.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(1):94-96
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