No 6 (2018)

Full Issue

Gosudarstvo gotovo subsidirovat' KI rossiyskikh preparatov za rubezhom
Article E.
Министерство промышленности и торговли совместно с Минздравом и Росздравнадзором прорабатывает предложение о частичном финансировании клинических исследований отечественных препаратов за рубежом. Об этом рассказал начальник отдела контроля и реализации госпрограммы Департамента развития фармпромыш-ленности Минпромторга Илья Казеев на Форуме инновационных технологий InfoSpace. В настоящее время решается вопрос о возмещении затрат на закупку препаратов сравнения. Как пояснил Казеев, с точки зрения надзорных органов отследить такие закупки проще, чем затраты на саму организацию КИ и оплату исследователей. Ориентировочная дата принятия постановления - август текущего года.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):4-5
Mikhail Murashko: «Blagodarya markirovke obespechivaetsya zashchita naseleniya ot fal'sifitsirovannykh, nedobrokachestvennykh i kontrafaktnykh lekarstvennykh preparatov»
Article E.
В феврале 2017 г. в России стартовал эксперимент по маркировке ЛС - новой системе контроля, позволяющей эффективно противодействовать незаконному обороту ЛС на территории страны. О том, как сегодня реализуется этот проект и каковы уже полученные результаты, мы попросили рассказать Михаила МУРАШКО, руководителя Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере здравоохранения.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):6-7
Drug labelling: experience of implementation and prospects
Slinyakov Е.Е.
Drug labelling experiment began in early 2017. The purpose of implementing this system is to increase the transparency of movement and inventory of drugs, tighten control over the pharmaceutical market and exclude counterfeit drugs from circulation.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):8-13
«May» prospects for Russian pharma market
Trofimova Е.О.
The agenda of the PharmASI Russian Pharmaceutical Forum held on May 15-16, 2018 in St. Petersburg highlighted the current issues of the Russian pharmaceutical market. Today, the key issues include getting the balance of various interests of market participants and identifying the market drivers. The main issues of international companies on the Russian market are related to enforcement of intellectual property rights, which is setting in favor of Russian companies. The unfavourable economic situation in the country causes a slowdown of growth rates on the Russian pharmaceutical market. The key market driver for the period until 2024 is the national healthcare project announced in the presidential decree in May 2018.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):16-21
Varikoz - bolezn' sovremennosti
Article E.
Лечение хронических заболеваний вен нижних конечностей - актуальная проблема медицины и фармакологии. Неуклонный рост заболеваемости требует развития современной науки, разработки и совершенствования новых лекарственных средств и методов терапии. Насколько эффективны консервативные методы лечения варикоза, мы попросили рассказать члена Российского общества ангиологов и сосудистых хирургов, д.м.н., профессора Богачёва Вадима Юрьевича.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):22-25
How much does humanity weigh?
Philippova I.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), The worldwide prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. In 2016, 39% of people over 18 years were overweight, and 13% were obese. It's not that the problem is not conceived by the society. WHO specialists have prepared a strategy to prevent and manage obesity, official medicine recognizes overweight as one of the corrected risk factors for many diseases and overweight is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality next to smoking that can be eliminated. The population is also worried about maintaining a healthy weight and health, as evidenced by almost 3 million search terms per month that contain the words "losing weight" in Yandex. Why is humanity gaining the total body weight so quickly and cannot stop? Are there any real ways to slow down this process both at the individual and at the population level?
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):26-28
Mesacol: topical drug gains new perspectives
Prozherina J., Shirokova I.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is one of the serious medical and social issues that requires an optimal solution. The social impact of IBD is substantial due to the prevalence of the disease among young people, chronic progressive course, the need for frequent hospital treatment, the development of systemic extraintestinal manifestations, impaired work ability and reduced quality of life [1]. All this requires improvement of accessibility of treatment for patients. Mesalazine, a key remedy for the treatment of IBD, was included in the VED list in 2018.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):30-33
Rational drug therapy of ulcerative colitis: meta-analysis and clinical and economic aspects of modern therapy regimens
Shatalova O.V., Gorbatenko V.S.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the large intestine, leading to disability of working-age people [1-3]. Due to the growth of urbanization and economic development, there is a rapid increase in the incidence of UC in the industrialized countries. According to the forecasts, the increase in morbidity will require the restructuring of medical care to the patients with this pathology [4].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):34-42
V Rossii odobren novyy preparat dlya lecheniya rasprostranennogo i metastaticheskogo raka molochnoy zhelezy
Article E.
В начале этого года Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации одобрило новый препарат для лечения распространенного или метастатического рака молочной железы (РМЖ) HR+/HER2- у женщин в постменопаузе - рибоциклиб, назначаемый в комбинации с ингибитором ароматазы в первой линии эндокринной терапии [1].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):43-43
The main deficiencies identified during GMP-inspections by the russian inspectorate
Gildeeva G.N., Podpruzhnikov Y.V., Shestakov V.N.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has been carrying out inspections of the foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers since April 2016. The inspectorate checks the foreign manufacturer's compliance with the Russian standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Inspection is a key element in assessing the compliance of pharmaceutical manufacturers with GMP requirements. Nearly all the inspections identify discrepancies or violations that are documented in the inspection report and serve as a basis for taking regulatory actions such as the decision to issue a GMP-certificate or refuse to issue it, an order to eliminate discrepancies /violations, suspend or cancel a license, a marketing authorization, prohibition of manufacture, etc.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):46-49
State policy in the sphere of pharmaceutics in the USSR in the 1930s
Sherstneva E.V.
The pharmaceutics, as well as public health in general, was not a top priority area of government funding during the reconstruction period in the USSR. The search for resources to solve public healthcare and public drug supply problems and the objective to overcome the deficit of drugs led to some radical changes in the pharmaceutical sector: introduction of economic accountability, changes in the terms of trade in pharmaceuticals, centralized management of the pharmaceutical industry and heavy regulations, improving the quality control over manufactured pharmaceutical products.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):50-53
Fighting healthcare-associated infections: the mostimportant medical and social problem
Prozherina J.
The prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) is one of the global problems worldwide in the present-day settings. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), neither type of healthcare facility in any country can claim to be free from the risk of HCAI. There are many reasons for the development of HCAI; however, the poor material and technical resources of healthcare facilities can be a key component for its development. In this regard, the quality sterilization and disinfection of the equipment is one of the most important ways to fight the HCAI.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):54-55
Sterilizatsionnoe i dezinfektsionnoe oborudovanie STEELCO i «Farmstil» - garantiya i kachestvo
Shirokova I.
Своевременная дезинфекция, включающая обработку инструментов, оборудования и мебели, - залог инфекционной безопасности как пациентов, так и сотрудников лечебно-профилактических учреждений. Особенно актуальна задача оснащения дезинфекционной техникой стоматологических клиник, инфекционных и хирургических отделений [1].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):57-58
Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector: stock turnover rating for 2016
Romanova S.
The rating was prepared using the state accounting data of about 70 leading pharmaceutical manufacturers.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):60-63
Pharmaceutical industry for Q I, 2018
Romanova S.
The analysis of pharmaceutical enterprises is performed using the data of the state statistical reporting of the industry enterprises. According to Rosstat, the physical volume index stratified by type of economic activity with code 21 «Production of medicinal products and materials used for medical purposes» for the first quarter was estimated at the level of 110.7% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):64-68
Financial performance of the subindustry «Manufacture of irradiation and electrotherapeutic equipment»: 2017
Romanova S.
Analysis of the financial status of pharmaceutical companies is performed using state statistical reporting form No. P-3 Information on Company Financial Status (monthly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):69-72
Investment activities of the subindustry enterprises engaged in manufacturing the irradient and electrotherapy equipment: 2017
Romanova S.
The investment activities of the subindustry enterprises were analysed using the data of the state statistical reporting form No. P-2 "Information on investments to non-financial assets" (quarterly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):73-75
Brief review of judicial practice in the sphere of manufacturing and handling medical products for the period from february to May 2018
Borzova M.
The monthly review provides an analysis of court practice pertaining to the production and circulation of medical products to help industry specialists avoid mistakes in solving similar problems.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):76-80
Proizvodstvo otdel'nykh grupp meditsinskikh izdeliy za aprel' 2018 g
Article E.
Производство отдельных групп медицинских изделий за апрель 2018 г. Динамика производства основных ФТГ за апрель 2018 г. Топ-20 МНН ГЛС по объему импорта ГЛС в Россию в феврале 2018 г. Топ-20 импортеров ГЛС по объему экспорта из России в феврале 2018 г. Топ-20 производителей ГЛС по объему импорта в Россию в феврале 2018 г. Топ-20 торговых наименований ГЛС по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в феврале 2018 г. Топ-20 АТС-групп 2-го уровня по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в феврале 2018 г.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(6):82-87

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