No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Pharmacokinetics and safety of the generic Praziquantel during its bioequivalence study
Introduction. About a quarter of the world's population suffers from helminthic invasion. Praziquantel is a drug for the treatment of helminthiasis caused by cestodes and trematodes. The development of generic drugs for the fight against helminthiasis in Russia seems to be relevant.The aim of the study was to compare the pharmacokinetics profiles of generic Praziquantel and Biltricid® (reference drug), to assess their safety during their bioequivalence study.Materials and methods. An open, randomized, crossover, four-period, replicative design study was conducted on 32 male healthy volunteers.Results. Similar pharmacokinetic profiles of praziquantel were found when volunteers took Praziquantel and Biltricid®. According to the analysis of variance, the main factors that make a significant contribution to the observed variability of the data were interindividual differences in volunteers and the sequence of taking drugs. 90% CI of the ratios of AUC0-t, AUC0-∞, and Cmax of the tested drug to the reference one were in the range of 80-125%. Praziquantel preparations have been found to have a satisfactory safety profile.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):194-198
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Reproductive technologies in solving the problems of infertility of the population (Part I)
The article provides an overview of scientific information on modern approaches to reproductive health protection, innovative methods for early detection of disorders and timely correction of reduced reproductive capabilities of the body, including infertility. The main physiological factors of reproductive disorders are genetic predisposition, mitochondrial dysfunctions, genomic instability, oxidative stress, etc. In particular, mitochondria make a significant contribution to the regulation of various physiological aspects of reproductive function, including the development of oocytes and embryos, as well as spermatogenesis and fertilization. Oocyte dysfunction associated with aging is becoming an increasingly pressing medical and economic problem in modern society, where women are postponing family formation. Maternal metabolic disorders such as obesity and type II diabetes are associated with hyperlipidemia and increased concentrations of free fatty acids in ovarian follicular fluid. Oocyte maturation under these lipotoxic conditions leads to increased levels of oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased competence in oocyte development, and poor IVF results.As a result, it was revealed which modern approaches influence the solution of the problem of reproductive disorders, the risk factors for reproductive health were assessed, and methods were proposed to reduce the influence of these factors.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):199-204
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On the issue of the organization of nutritional support for patients of the intensive care unit
The article presents a review of the literature of theoretical and practice-oriented publications on the organization of nutrition and nutritional support for patients of the intensive care unit. The main conditions of the organization of nutritive nutrition, the conditions of its effectiveness, nutrition factors contributing to the recovery of patients are highlighted. The features of patients in the intensive care unit that determine the need for nutritional support are determined.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):205-208
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Development of rapid analysis of eye drops for monitoring during various technological operations
In this article, the composition and technology of combined eye drops were developed, including taurine as an anti-cataract agent and betaxolol hydrochloride as an anti-glaucoma agent. Butanol, toluene, isopropyl ether, chloroform, ammonia 25%, ethyl alcohol in various ratios were used as the mobile phase. However, these solutions and their combinations did not allow us to determine a system that makes it possible to register both active components simultaneously. Therefore, it was decided to select two thin layer chromatography systems, one of which made it possible to determine taurine, and the other betaxolol hydrochloride
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):209-211
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Analysis of the budget expenditure for rare diseases in the subjects of the Russian Federation
This article analyzes the ratio of expenditures on drug provision for patients with rare life-threatening diseases to the total amount of expenses of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on preferential drug provision. The share of expenditures on rare life-threatening diseases in the structure of regional expenditures on drug provision in 2019 and 2020 is presented. The dynamics of the budget for rare life-threatening diseases in monetary terms and the dynamics of regional spending on drug provision were also analyzed in comparison with 2019 and 2020. Finally, results were obtained regarding the share of expenditures on rare life-threatening diseases in the structure of regional expenditures on drug provision in the planned year 2021. Consistent federalization of drug provision for patients with certain rare life-threatening diseases, first of all, has transferred the drug provision of pediatric patients with such nosologies to the federal level. In order to further harmonize the system and equalize the availability of drug provision for adults and children with rare life-threatening diseases, it is necessary to think about the federalization of the most “costly” diseases for regions with a predominantly adult cohort of patients.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):212-216
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the state policy aimed at increasing the attractiveness of rural areas for the settlement of young dentists
The article suggests a hypothesis that the implementation of the Zemsky Doctor program does not lead to a sufficient increase in the attractiveness of young specialists moving to rural areas, which in turn reduces the availability of oral sanitation in the CRH and indicates the presence of a dental aspect of social inequality. To confirm or refute the truth of the hypothesis, two tasks are set: 1. To assess the role of the Medical Institute of the Belgorod State National Research University as a factor determining the settlement of dentists in rural areas. 2. To analyze the dynamics of the number of fillings placed for pulpitis and periodontitis in Prokhorovsky, Rakityansky, Volokonovsky dental departments for 2017 and 2021. The solution of the tasks set allowed us to speak about the truth of the formulated hypothesis. The revealed features of the personnel of the dental departments of the CRH indicate the absence of a significant influence of the medical institute on the staffing of the CRH by young specialists. The results obtained in the process of comparative evaluation of the number of fillings made for complicated caries revealed a widespread decrease in the intensity of endodontic treatment observed in different CRH.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):217-220
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The influence of the level of education on the attitude to compliance with the doctor's recommendations
The purpose of the study: to analyze the effect of education on the attitude to compliance with the doctor's recommendations by surgical patients.Materials and methods. Information was obtained through an anonymous questionnaire of 401 inpatient patients. Two comparison groups were formed: 221 people had higher or unfinished higher education, and 180 people had secondary or secondary-special education. Among the patients studied, there were no those who had a professional medical education. Three age groups stood out: 23-44 years old, 45-59 years old and 60 years old and older. Since higher education can only be obtained by the age of 22-23 and the use of younger age groups in this case is incorrect.Results. Regardless of gender, the general trend was a decrease in the specific gravity of those who comply with doctor's appointments with increasing age. Among men in all age groups, patients with a high level of education performed prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor more often, than low-education patients, and among women, high-education patients performed physician prescriptions and recommendations more frequently, than patients with low levels of education only in the young and middle age groups, and in the older age group, the proportion of those who always fulfill the prescriptions of a doctor in full among women with a high level of education is reduced by increasing the proportion of those performing the prescriptions of a doctor only if he considers it necessary. The same patterns, in general, are observed in relation to the implementation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. But in men, the influence of education level is manifested after 45 years and in the middle and older age groups the number of those who perform them only if they consider it necessary increases. In women, the influence of educational level on the frequency of implementation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle is more pronounced in all age groups. Also, like men, with increasing age, the proportion of women who believe that it is necessary to fulfill doctor's appointments only if they themselves consider it necessary.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):221-224
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Pharmacy tourism and reimport of medical products as a form of ensuring the availability of medicines
The article examines the features of the development of pharmacy tourism as a form of medical tourism and the reimport of medicines that ensure their availability in conditions of dysfunctionality of national health systems in ensuring the right of patients to medical care. The conclusion is made that pharmacy tourism contributes to compensating for the high cost of medicines in the country of residence, simplifying the organizational and regulatory system for obtaining the right to purchase medicines; ensures the availability of drugs in their physical absence in the distribution system.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):225-228
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Scientific substantiation of the possibility of integrated interagency management in countering global biorisks for public health (by the example of the COVID-19 pandemic)
The effectiveness of measures taken to stabilize and reduce the incidence of COVID-19 was assessed against the background of studying the main resource indicators of healthcare and interaction with other sectors of the economy.The main results of the study made it possible to expand the understanding of the concept of biological safety, which is interpreted by Federal Law as "the state of protection of the population and the environment from the effects of hazardous biological factors, in which an acceptable level of biological risk is provided," and the applied set of control measures can be assessed as typical for such global biological calls. The results obtained make it possible to believe that, in general, public administration in the field of public health is significantly focused on the localization of risks, which fully corresponds to the strategic objectives and goals of the country.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):229-234
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Analysis of blood glucose and cholesterol indicators in university students in Kazan for 2018-2020 based on the results of preventive medical examinations
Introduction. Medical organizations carry out work on preventive medical examinations and medical examinations of students in order to identify risk factors and determine health groups. The purpose of the study is to analyze the indicators of blood glucose and cholesterol in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in Kazan based on the results of a preventive medical examination.Material and methods. In the course of the study, the indicators of students of 8 higher educational institutions of the city of Kazan, 7863 students (2020), 8365 students (2019), 6925 students (2018), were analyzed. The number of students with indicators exceeding the norm was calculated. Comparison of the share of students with high rates between universities was made.Results and discussion. There is a dependence of changes in blood parameters on physical exertion, the type of educational process, psycho-emotional stress, nutritional structure and the availability of medical supervision. The analysis made it possible to provide university rectors with information about the need to make changes in the course of the educational process.Conclusions. The study showed the dependence of changes in blood parameters on the characteristics of the lifestyle on the health of students and made it possible to develop ways to improve it.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):235-239
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Changes in body mass index among students from different countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
The official declaration by the WHO of a global pandemic of COVID-19 in 2020 led to various restrictive measures around the world in order to prevent the rapid spread of the virus. In many countries, it was decided to close educational institutions (schools, lyceums, colleges, universities) and switch to distance learning, which contributed to the deviation from the established lifestyle of students, including eating habits and, consequently, to a possible change in their weights. It has been proven that a complete, balanced diet and systematic exercise can strengthen the human body in the fight against adverse factors, including infectious ones. However, a sedentary lifestyle, anxiety, stress caused by social isolation lead to lifestyle changes, in particular to overeating.The article presents information about the characteristics of nutrition, the level of physical activity, anxiety and stress, taking into account the cultural, ethnic and gender characteristics of student youth from different countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):240-245
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Evolution of medical informatics in the system of medical knowledges: historical aspect
This article presents a brief historical overview of the formation of medical informatics as an important part of the system of medical knowledge covering a wide range of applied tasks. Medical informatics is the same result of evolution as the planned philosophy, which has its roots in the history of information technology and medicine. The process of its historical, theoretical and applied development continues, so any work in the space of the history of medical informatics can only be considered as a conditional report, and not a summing up.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):246-249
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Medical informatics as the basis of professional qualification of healthcare professionals in the conditions of digitalization
The article deals with the problems of formation of digital competencies in healthcare and medicine specialists. The main vectors of professional training of doctors are defined, the review of foreign experience in approaches to the organization of the system of training of medical workers in the field of medical informatics is carried out.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):250-254
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Digital transformation of pharmaceutical companies in the conditions of import substitution
The article describes current approaches to the digital transformation of pharmaceutical companies, taking into account the specifics of the requirements of import substitution of software for domestic production systems. Based on publications and open sources of information, the most relevant solutions were selected for the implementation of ERP systems, business analytics, cloud infrastructure, work with big data, the Internet of Things, for robotic automation of processes based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. These systems are analyzed from the point of view of their applicability in the framework of the digital transformation of pharmaceutical companies. Their brief characteristics are given and the purpose is described. The research of the software market showed the availability of affordable solutions of domestic development that can be implemented at a pharmaceutical enterprise to carry out work within the framework of the digital transformation of business processes.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):255-261
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True Soviet medicine in the Kremlin. Report 2: Kremlin chosen people
The authors present a triptych of articles revealing various aspects of Kremlin medicine, a system of Soviet healthcare designed exclusively for the political elites of the USSR and its associated countries and communist parties, as well as for the scientific and cultural elite. The second post deals with the composition of patients. Their own lists or "nomenclatures" institutionalized the political and cultural elites, as well as the circle of political friends of the USSR. The authors reveal the mechanism of including and excluding candidates from the circle of the chosen ones, who were guaranteed a decent old age and longevity with all the power of modern medicine. At the same time it is shown how the participation of Kremlin medics in big politics, their wide possibilities not only to get rid of illnesses, but also to decide the fates of patients undermined the trust of contemporaries to the Kremlin medicine.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):262-269
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Formation and development of the State pharmacy service in Minsk (1918-1944)
An article is dedicated by 100-year anniversary of establishment of the Republican commercial and industrial unitary company “BELPHARMATSIYA”. The article presents brief historical information about administrative-territorial structure of Belarus, socialist transformation in pharmacy in difficult military, political and economic conditions: formation of pharmacy management bodies, nationalization of pharmacies in Minsk, formation of self-accounting pharmacy administration in 1922 and its reorganization in subsequent years. Specify difficulties in work of pharmacy administration due to lack of medicines, pharmaceutical personal and overcoming them. Reflected clandestine activities of pharmacists in the years of Great Patriotic War.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):270-275
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A word about “Soviet penicillin”
The article analyzes the evolution of terms denoting penicillin produced in the USSR in the 1940s, as well as the motives that determined their transformation. It is shown that in the second half of the 1940s, the original names, which directly indicated the producer and the institution producing the drug, were replaced by the term “Soviet penicillin”, devoid of specifics, but corresponding to the political moment. Its introduction into circulation made it possible not to advertise the new strains that were tested and put into production, which did not always come to the USSR legally. The introduction of a new politically correct term and the upholding of domestic priority in the study of antibiotics joined the general course of ideological work in the conditions of the Cold War.
REMEDIUM. 2022;26(3):276-282
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