Study of the availability of gene therapeutic drugs in the Russian Federation
Koshechkin K.A., Romanov P.A., Mokhov A.A., Khokhlov A.L.
Implementing a leadership concept
Shirokova I.
The ved list changes to assist in the treatment & management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Prozherina J., Shirokova I.
New clinical developments in drug therapy for ovarian cancer: results of the annual congress «Cancer in women» 2022
Andreev D.A., Zavyalov A.A.
Nomenclature of gene-therapy drugs: international experience
Mokhov A.A., Merkulov V.A., Melnikova E.V., Popov P.I., Dudchenko V.V., Koshechkin К.А., Chaplenko A.A., Yavorsky A.N.
Marketing analysis of the range of medicines for physiotherapy
Shubina K.A., Shakirova D.H.
Experience of using surfactant therapy for pneumonia associated withCOVID-19 of obstetric patients
Shvechkova M.V., Kukarskaya I.I., Marchenko R.N., Achmatgaraev V.V., Kukarskaya E.A., Shvechkova A.S.
What threatens type 2 diabetes patients' adherence to treatment?
Kaplya-Bubenets V.
Affordable and modern antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation
Kalinina N.
Climacteric syndrome: issues in modern pharmacotherapy
Prozherina J., Ilyukhina E.
Modern anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation patients
Kalinina N.
Issues of breakthrough therapy and accelerated market authorization in Russia and the EAEU
Niyazov R.R., Vasiliev A.N., Gavrishina E.V., Dranitsyna M.A., Kulichev D.A.
Inhaled surfactant in patients with COVID-19 who took high-flow oxygen therapy: the results of a retrospective analysis
Averyanov A.V., Klypa T.V., Balionis O.I., Bychinin M.V., Chernyak A.V., Troitskiy A.V.
Regulatory aspects of the introduction of the drug therapy outcomes-based payment concept
Tolkushin A.G., Fedorov A.A., Yagudina R.I., Davydovskaya M.V., Chernitskaya M.K., Ermolaeva T.N., Kobzeva N.V., Kokushkin K.A.
Hepatitis C treatment breakthroughs
Shirokova I., Kalinina N.
Rational drug therapy of ulcerative colitis: meta-analysis and clinical and economic aspects of modern therapy regimens
Shatalova O.V., Gorbatenko V.S.
"Universal. Short. Yours"
Shirokova I.
Surfactant therapy in combination treatment of COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome
Gubaidullin R.R., Kuzin A.P., Kulakov V.V.
Focus on the elimination of hepatitis C virus
Shirokova I., Prozherina J.
Gout: what's new in the clinical guidelines
Prozherina Y., Shirokova I.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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