No 11-12 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Dolya rossiyskoy medtekhniki v goszakupkakh sostavit 50-60% v 2021 godu
Своим Постановлением № 2013 от 3 декабря 2020 г. правительство РФ установило ежегодные квоты на госзакупки медицинских изделий. В среднем обязательная доля отечественного медпрома в закупке 2021 г. составит 50-60% и до 2023 г. будет возрастать.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):3-3
Agile stockpiles an insurance for drug supply
Healthcare systems across the world are looking at ways of maintaining the continuity of supply of medicines to patients in times of crisis. Whilst this is not a new phenomenon, the additional burden placed on the supply chain during COVID-19 has meant it has come more into the spotlight. The need to use a stockpile can be caused by an interruption to supply, a rapid and unexpected peak in demand, or when both an interruption to supply and a peak in demand occur simultaneously. The objectives of a stockpile will guide the portfolio breadth and depth
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):4-17
Clinical trials in the Coronavirus era: management of risks
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unique problems facing the clinical trials (CT) community both in terms of the rapid implementation of CTs of COVID-19 drugs and vaccines, and many ongoing non-COVID-19 CTs that are either suspended or adapted to new realities. The CT organizers have played a key role in decision making, risk assessment and adaptation of trial processes, working side by side with other members of the trial team. Regulatory authorities (FDA, EMA, Ministry of Health of Russia, etc.), which issued initial recommendations for adapting the clinical trial methodology to new conditions as far back as March 2020, and then later on, generalized the experience in the management for clinical trials. The recommendations made based on the reviewed experience can help all CT parties to cope with the risks associated with both COVID-19 itself and anti-epidemic measures in different countries of the world with minimal losses.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):18-24
UDKhK - novye vozmozhnosti v usloviyakh pandemii
Китайские ученые выяснили, что урсодезоксихолевая кислота (УДХК), традиционно используемая в лечении заболеваний печени, обладает способностью снижать воспаление дыхательных путей и служить средством профилактики развития воспалительного процесса и фиброза легких.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):25-25
Larisa Popovich:«Vazhnost' otvetstvennogo samolecheniya segodnya ne vyzyvaet somneniy ni u kogo v mire»
Почти 40 лет назад ВОЗ была предложена концепция ответственного само- лечения, которое с тех пор все активнее внедряется в жизнь современного человека.В каких случаях допустимо и целесообразно самолечение, какие принци- пы лежат в его основе и что оно дает конкретному человеку и обществу в целом? На эти и другие вопросы мы попросили ответить Ларису ПОПОВИЧ, директора Иститута экономики здравоохранения НИУ «Высшая школа эко- номики».
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):26-27
Modern anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation patients
The atrial fibrillation (AF) is detected in almost 2% of the general population, and its prevalence is continuously rising as the population is aging. Stroke is the most severe complication of AF and its risk can be significantly reduced by using oral anticoagulants [1].
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):28-30
Anticoagulant group tender review
In the context of a pandemic, the pharmaceutical industry strives to take all appropriate steps not only to maintain continuity of production, but to ensure uninterrupted procurement and supplies of drugs and medical products. Today, the drugs that are also used to treat coronavirus infection are under the spotlight - the demand for antibiotics, antivirals and anticoagulants has increased. At the same time, there are also issues associated with the “regulatory guillotine”, which complicate the procurement process of essential drugs.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):31-32
Affordable and modern antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia that can be complicated by stroke at the 1 to 30% credible level per year in the absence of anticoagulant therapy, depending on the risk factor profile. Numerous clinical studies have strongly confirmed the efficacy of antithrombotic therapy, mainly with anticoagulants, in patients with AF [1].
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):34-36
If the diagnosis is coinfection
Coinfection with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a serious medical and social problem. As shown in some of the latest studies, if people with HIV are at about twice and those with HCV are at thrice the risk for death compared with healthy people, those with both infections are at almost 5 times the risk for it [1]! With that in mind the optimal choice of therapy regimens for patients with coinfection takes on particular and extremely important significance.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):38-41
Experience of using surfactant therapy for pneumonia associated withCOVID-19 of obstetric patients
Introduction. Pregnant women may be at increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness. Pregnant women are more likely to be hospitalized at ICU, needed the mechanical ventilation compared to nonpregnant women. The pregnant women are currently excluded from the most of the clinical trials of COVID-19 drug therapy. This limits the formulation of appropriate recommendations for the treatment of pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Building on the experience of the effective use of surfactant therapy for influenza A/H1N1 treatment of pregnant women with COVID-19, the domestic/local drug Surfactant BL was included in the complex therapy.The objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of surfactant therapy in the integrated treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia of pregnant women and postpartum women.Materials and methods. The study included 69 pregnant and postpartum women with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. All ofthem received antiviral, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory therapy. 47 patients (group 1) with an initially more severe course of the disease received inhalations with Surfactant BL in 1-2 days after admission to the intensive care unit, 22 patients (group 2) were prescribed surfactant therapy for 4-5 days, due to the progression of respiratory failure. Surfactant BL was administered at a dose of 75 mg 2 times a day through a nebulizer for 2-5 days. Result. In group 1 patients, SpO2 recovered faster and dyspnea decreased. All patients of group 1 did not require mechanical ventilation; in group 2, 3 patients (14.3%) required mechanical ventilation. In the group of early use of surfactant therapy with CT control, in most cases, there was a positive trend (67.6%), in contrast to group 2 (37.5%). Stay in ICU conditions in group 1 was 8.6 days, in group 2 - 13.2 days. No lethal outcomes were observed with surfactant therapy in both groups.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):42-47
Analysis of performance indicators of the High-cost Nosologies program in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
In the Russian Federation, preferential medicine provision is an important component of state assistance to citizens living in various regions. One of the main programs of preferential drug provision is the High-cost Nosologies program, funded by the federal budget. The purpose of the work was to study regional implementations of this program in 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the period from 2018 to 2019. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the performance indicators of the program, differences were revealed in the amount of funding, average medicine costs, as well as actual costs per 1 beneficiary. In 2019, in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, an increase in the number of beneficiaries was revealed along with a simultaneous increase in the medicine costs, which is due to the inclusion of 5 additional diseases in the list of High-cost Nosologies.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):49-54
Topical issues of pharmaceutical organization systematization
The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of pharmaceutical activities. The main contradictions of legislation in the approaches to the definition of the concepts of “pharmaceutical organization”, “subject of pharmaceutical activities”, “pharmacy organization”, “type of pharmacy organization” are considered. The problem of uncertainty in the status of a pharmacy organization, an individual entrepreneur with a pharmaceutical license has been identified. The need to develop an unified terminology for the types of pharmacy organizations, indicating their differences according to criteria such as functional purpose and structural features, is indicated. It was proposed to amend the Federal Law-61 taking into account the provisions of Federal Law-323, a new order “On the approval of the types of pharmaceutical organizations.”
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):55-60
Ukrainian patent reform: render harmless a utility model
The patent is an amazing thing, it’s like a narcotic: nothing but a chemical formula known for more than one century, registered as a utility model, but can subjugate all other licenses and permits in a way that no other “gun” can. According to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models”, a utility model ( just as an invention) is the result of human intellectual activity in any sphere of technology i.e. the object of the utility model (UM) may be any product (device, substance etc.) or a process (unlike us, unfortunately our Russian colleagues severely limited innovation activity. For example, Article 1351, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows you to protect as a utility model only a technical solution relating to an apparatus).
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):61-63
Financial performance of the pharmaceutical manufacturers: 2020 interim results
Financial status is the most important characteristic of the economic activity of the industry enterprises, which determines its economic attractiveness. Let us consider a set of indicators reflecting the availability, placement and use of financial resources of enterprises in the industry. Financial status of the industry enterprises is analysed using the data form State Statistical Reporting Form No. P-3 Information on Company Financial Status.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):64-69
Rossiyskiy farmatsevticheskiy forum o rasshirenii perechnya ZhNVLP
Перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов (ЖНВЛП) пополнится 25 новыми наи- менованиями, включая вакцины от коронавируса, и с 2021 г. будет включать 788 позиций. Такое распоряжение (РП №3073) 23 ноября подписал председатель правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):70-70
TOP-pozitsii. Pokazateli vedushchikh mirovykh i otechestvennykh proizvoditeley i distrib'yuterov
Производство медицинской продукции за октябрь 2020 года Фармацевтическая реклама ЛП и БАД в российских СМИ в ноябре 2020 года ТОП-20 крупнейших рекламодателей и рекламируемых марок ЛП и БАД в Российских СМИ* в ноябре 2020 года
REMEDIUM. 2020;(11-12):71-72