No 1-2 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 20
- URL:
Dopolnitel'nye polnomochiya dlya Roszdravnadzora
Депутаты Государственной думы РФ одобрили в первом чтении законопроект «О внесении изменений в федеральный закон «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации» и в ст. 9 федерального закона «Об обращении лекарственных средств».
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):4-6
State regulation of prices on medicines: search for balance
The article reviews the history of development of legislation covering prices of medicines in the Russian Federation and describes specifics of the current situation in this sphere.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):8-14
Digital biomedicine and biopharmaceutics
Use of different types of informations systems is a promising trend in the post-industrial development of the biomedical and biopharmaceutical industries. The article analyses the perspectives for the use of specialized information systems, such as Laboratory Information Management Systems, Electronic Laboratory Notebook, Clinical Trials Management Systems, Electronic Information Collection Systems, Process Control Systems, Maintenance Management Systems, Electronic Series Records, Sales Automation Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems. It also deals with the issues of training specialists for the introduction and operation of information and technical solutions at the life-cycle stages of the biomedical and biopharmaceutical products.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):16-20
Collecting of organizations' tax debts from its executives: how and when?
Recently, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the «Constitutional Court») clarified the procedure for recovery of damages from natural persons caused by tax crimes in the amount of tax arrears and fines not received by the respective budget from the taxpayer organization.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):22-23
Gripp: nepredskazuemaya ugroza i optimal'nye resheniya
Ни одна страна мира, включая Россию, не застрахована от эпидемической вспышки гриппа - острой вирусной инфекции, чреватой тяжелыми осложнениями. Наряду с массовой вакцинацией, важным направлением в борьбе с этим опасным заболеванием является использование современных и доступных населению противовирусных препаратов.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):24-25
The ved list changes to assist in the treatment & management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Anew list of vital and essential drugs (VED) for human use, which came into force on January 1, 2018, comprises sixty new names, a large part of which are drugs for the treatment of cancer. In particular, a total of 3 innovative medicinal products used for the treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been entered into the list [1].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):26-32
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of fulvestrant use in the first line therapy of metastatic breast cancer
Breast cancer (BC) is associated with a high mortality rate among women all over the world. In the Russian Federation (RF) in 2015, 66,366 female patients were diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time, which accounted for 20.8% of the total tumour pathology in women. Early detection of breast cancer at B (I and II) stage has increased from 61.8% to 69.5% over the past 10 years, while mortality rate in the first year after diagnosis has decreased from 10.9 to 6% in 2015 over the same period, nevertheless, until now breast cancer remains ranked 1st in the mortality structure of the female population and is 17.0%. The main objective of treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC) is the maximum extension and preservation of quality of life.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):33-40
Russia builds the future without tobacco
Following the worldwide trend, Russia has been consistently fighting the spread of tobacco smoking in the past few years. Serious changes should occur this year after the amendments to the anti-tobacco law prepared by the RF Ministry of Health come into force.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):41-44
Elena Kolyutskaya: «Ispol'zovanie sovremennykh antipsikhotikov sushchestvenno izmenilo klinicheskiy prognoz shizofrenii»
Шизофрения - одно из наиболее распространенных психических расстройств, характеризующееся сочетанием продуктивной и негативной симптоматики, поведенческих и когнитивных нарушений и приводящее к неблагоприятным социальным и экономическим последствиям. О современном состоянии этой серьезной медико-социальной проблемы и перспективах ее решения мы беседуем с Еленой Владимировной Колюцкой, ведущим научным сотрудником Отдела по изучению пограничной психической патологии и психосоматических расстройств ФГБНУ «Научный центр психического здоровья», д.м.н., профессором кафедры психиатрии и психосоматики Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):45-48
Modern insight into the problem of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is one of the most severe chronic relapsing mental illnesses. The disease not only causes significant discomfort to others and the patient, but also shortens his life span by an average of 15-25 years. At the same time, in most cases the achievements of modern medicine help not only achieve a positive effect in treatment, but also contribute to more successful adaptation of patients in society.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):49-54
Innovative approaches to address the dry eye syndrome issue
The significance of the issue associated with the widespread incidence of the dry eye syndrome (DES) among the population of the developed countries of the world has not weakened over the past few years [1, 2]. The emergence of new approaches to the pharmacotherapy of this condition can aid the practitioner in achieving successful outcomes.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):55-58
Pharmaceutical retail visitor traffic intensity analysis using big data technology elements
Extracting valuable insights from vast quantities of data becomes a key factor in developing new competitive advantages and companies' growth and creates the prerequisites for changing business processes in the pharmaceutical industry. The analysis of video data obtained from various sources is one of the methods for processing big data. Intelligent video surveillance systems built on hardware devices enabling solutions designed to automatically detect events that will match the predefined criteria and reaction to the systems disclosure according to the established rule in real time can analyse significant volumes of video information. The analysis was performed using a state-of-the art video monitoring system with a unique video analytics complex, which has the function of the People Counting module. The analysis of 800 GB of video data provided information on the visitor traffic dynamics during various working hours, which showed that the average number of visitors per time unit (hour) depends both on the time of year and the time of day. Nevertheless, the variability of pharmacy visitor traffic cannot be called high; it can be characterized as moderate (minimum 17%, maximum 40%). But even a moderate variability of visitor traffic affects the intensity of labour of pharmaceutical personnel.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):60-63
Pharma industry enterprises investment prospects rating for 2016
The rating was conducted using the state reported financials form No. 2 data of over 60 largest pharma industry enterprises.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):66-70
Business performance of pharma industry enterprises: 2016 equity turnover rating
The rating was carried out on the basis of the state reported financials of over 60 profitable pharma industry enterprises.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):71-74
Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector: sales profit rating for 2016
The rating was carried out on the basis of the state reported finan-cials of over 60 profitable enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):75-79
Medical devices for 9 months of 2017
The performance analysis of industry enterprises is carried out using the state statistical reporting of the industry enterprises.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):80-84
Investment efficiency of enterprises in the medical instrument and equipment subsector: I half of 2017
The investment efficiency of the subsector enterprises was analysed using the data of the state statistical reporting on form No. P-2 «Information on investments to non-financial assets» (quarterly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):85-86
Financial performance of the medical instrument and equipment manufacturing industry: I half-year of 2017
Financial status of the industry companies is analysed on the basis of state statistical reporting form No. P-3 Information on Company Financial Status (monthly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):87-90
Sovremennaya strategiya vizualizatsii v meditsine: issledovat', izobretat', transformirovat'
26 ноября - 1 декабря 2017 г. в Чикаго (шт. Иллинойс, США) под эгидой Радиологического общества Северной Америки (RSNA) состоялся очередной, 103-й Международный конгресс радиологов. На конгрессе компания Siemens Healthineers представила новые инновационные решения в области визуализации и лечения. В конгрессе приняли участие более 60 000 делегатов.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):92-93
Proizvodstvo otdel'nykh grupp meditsinskikh izdeliy za dekabr' 2017 g
Производство отдельных групп медицинских изделий за декабрь 2017 г. Динамика производства основных ФТГ за декабрь 2017 г. Топ-20 МНН ГЛС по объему импорта ГЛС в Россию в октябре 2017 г. Топ-20 импортеров ГЛС по объему импорта в Россию в октябре 2017 г. Топ-20 производителей ГЛС по объему импорта в Россию в октябре 2017 г. Топ-20 торговых наименований ГЛС по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в октябре 2017 г. Топ-20 АТС-групп 2-го уровня по объему импорта ГЛС в Россию в октябре 2017 г. Топ-20 импортеров по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в октябре 2017 г.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(1-2):94-103