Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector: sales profit rating for 2016
Romanova S.
Industry manufacturers rating by sales profit and pre-tax profit in 2017
Romanova S.
Monthly review: business activity of industry enterprises
Romanova S.
Medical representative. Reset
Denisova M.N.
Monthly review: business activity of industry enterprises
Romanova S.
Monthly review: business activity of industry enterprises
Romanova S.
Monthly review: business activity of industry enterprises
Romanova S.
A comparative characteristic of business models of leading pharmaceutical manufacturers: aspects of commercial activities
Yasinskaya L.E., Trofimova E.O.
Economic overview of the Russian pharmaceutical market during the pandemic crisis
Bazhenova S.A., Grammova E.A.
Silicon raspberries. Russian pharmacy chains rating at year-end 2019
Bespalov N., Rasshchupkin P.
Monthly review: business activity of industry enterprises
Romanova S.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers ranking by sales profit for 2020
Romanova S.
Russian pharmaceutical market at the first quarter-end 2018
Denisova M., Prozerina J.
A structural analysis of sales of drugs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in the Russian market
Tsitlionok E.A., Narkevich I.A., Nemyatykh O.D., Siukaeva D.D., Grinyuk A.S., Lisachenko V.O.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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