No 3 (2018)

Full Issue

Finansirovanie razvitiya zdravookhraneniya v sel'skoy mestnosti
Article E.
Кабинет министров выделил из резервного фонда в общей сложности 3,43 млрд руб. на оборудование передвижных и стационарных пунктов медицинской помощи в сельской местности.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):4-5
The question of strengthening the research capacities in drug innovation
Semin А.А.
The article deals with the institutional mechanisms for strengthening the research capacities in the development of innovative drugs, involving the improvement of the following institutions: state procurement, marketing authorization of drugs, government support for small and medium-sized businesses, state scientific and technical policy, science and education, international relations.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):6-15
Problema ozhireniya: vzglyad spetsialista
Article E.
Проблема ожирения: взгляд специалиста Согласно данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), с 1975 года число людей в мире, страдающих ожирением, выросло более чем втрое1. Учитывая такую негативную тенденцию, во многих мировых научных центрах проводится активная работа по изучению данной проблемы. Прокомментировать результаты некоторых последних исследований, а также ответить на актуальные вопросы мы попросили Марину ШЕСТАКОВУ, директора Института диабета ФГБУ «Эндокринологический научный центр» (ЭНЦ) МЗРФ, профессора, академика РАН.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):18-20
Sergey Illarioshkin: «Bolezn' Parkinsona - eto sotsial'nyy vyzov obshchestvu i meditsine»
Article E.
Болезнь Паркинсона - тяжелое нейродегенеративное заболевание, поражающее возрастную категорию населения и характеризующееся высокой степенью инвалидизации. Какими инструментами для ранней диагностики и сохранения качества жизни пациентов обладает современная медицинская наука? Об этом мы беседуем с заместителем директора по научной работе, руководителем отдела исследований мозга Научного центра неврологии РАМН, доктором медицинских наук, профессором, членом-корреспондентом РАН Сергеем Николаевичем Иллариошкиным.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):22-25
Key trends of the antiparkinsonian drugs market
Prozherina J.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. According to WHO, it affects approximately 4 mil. people worldwide [1]. Of which, approximately 210 thousand people currently have the disease in Russia [2]. The incidence rates of parkinsonism increased significantly over the past two decades [1], which requires to take measures to improve medical care for this category of patients.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):26-28
Marketing study of suppositories included in the state register of medicinal products of the Russian Federation
Saenko A.Y., Popova E.A., Kul I.Y., Petrov A.Y.
A marketing study of suppositories included in the State Register of Medicinal Products of the Russian Federation was conducted. The study showed that suppositories accounted for 1.5% of the total amount of medicinal products in the State Register. The share of rectal suppositories is 61.9%, and a share of vaginal ones is 38.1%. Domestic-to-foreign products analysis showed that the domestic suppositories accounted for 68.6%, and the foreign ones accounted for 31.4%. 21 countries supply the suppositories to Russia. Germany (7.3%), Moldova (3.7%), Slovenia (2.8%) made up the largest share in the supplies. The pharmacological action analysis of suppositories allowed to establish that the largest number of suppositories manufactured in our country contain medicinal substances of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (13.0%), antimicrobial and antiprotozoal (8%), antihemorrhoidal (7.7%), antifungal (7.9%), analgesic non-narcotic action (5.0%). The number of antiviral suppositories is insignificant and accounts for 1.3%. Content analysis made it possible to form an information array of suppository assortments of domestic and foreign manufacture to determine a rectal-to-vaginal suppository ratio.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):29-32
A new step in the treatment of «king's diseases»
Shirokova I., Prozherina J.
The centuries-long history of the gout study made it possible to achieve a significant success in the treatment of this chronic systemic disease, which significantly reduces the quality of life. However, in recent years a steady increase in the number of gout patients with frequently delayed diagnosis has required the adoption of new serious measures including the development of modern pharmaco-therapy methods [1].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):33-38
Contribution of the european forum for good clinical practice to improvement of the clinical trial process in Russia and other post-soviet countries
Kubar O.I.
The article presents the material on the progress in the promotion of the international standard Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in the Russian Federation and other post-Soviet states. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) to the process of implementation of GCP in the region. Examples of long-term cooperation of authorized facilities and the regional authorities with the EFGCP are given. The article shows the unique role of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice in performing an independent, multidisciplinary and multinational analysis of the effectiveness of various GCP components with the consistent implementation of all approaches and rules in the course of scientific and technical improvement in conducting clinical trials. There are examples of mutually beneficial sharing of information and experience in improving the international clinical trial practice with the participation of the post-Soviet countries.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):40-44
Improving the quality of health care for children through the development of the domestic pharmaceutical market for children's medicinal products
Ovod A.I., Kuznetsova E.Y., Solyanina V.A., Zaitseva L.Y.
The main trends in the health status and physical development of the Russian children's population determine the need to further improve the quality of medical care for children, one of the mechanisms of which is the improvement of pharmaceutical assistance and the expansion of the nomenclature of domestic children's drugs. In this study, we present an analysis of the target segment assortment of the Russian pharmaceutical market - children's medicines. The analysis is carried out with a breakdown into ATC-groups, countries of manufacturers and dosage forms. Import dependence has been established for individual ATC-groups, which affects the quality and availability of medical and pharmaceutical assistance for children.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):45-52
Financial results of pharmaceutical industry: 9 months of 2017
Romanova S.
Financial status of pharmaceutical companies is analysed on the basis of state statistical reporting form No. P-3 Information on Company Financial Status (monthly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):54-57
Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector: 2016 return on investment rating
Romanova S.
The rating was prepared using the state financial statements of over 60 profitable pharmaceutical enterprises.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):58-61
Pharma industry enterprises investment prospects rating for 2016
Romanova S.
The rating was conducted using the state reported financials form No. 2 data of over 60 largest pharma industry enterprises.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):62-66
Investment activity of the subindustry enterprises engaged in manufacturing the irradient and electrotherapy equipment: 9 months of 2017
Romanova S.
The investment efficiency of the subsector enterprises was analysed using the data of the state statistical reporting form No. P-2 «Information on investments to non-financial assets» (quarterly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):67-70
Summary of court practice in the production and treatment of medical products, November 2017 - February 2018
Borzova M.
В ежемесячном обзоре проведен анализ судебной практики в сфере производства и обращения медицинской продукции, чтобы помочь специалистам отрасли избежать ошибок при решении сходных проблем.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):71-74
Pokazateli vedushchikh mirovykh i otechestvennykh proizvoditeley i distrib'yuterov
Article E.
Топ-20 МНН ГЛС по объему импорта ГЛС в Россию в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 импортеров ГЛС по объему импорта в Россию в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 производителей ГЛС по объему импорта в Россию в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 АТС-групп 2-го уровня по объему импорта ГЛС в Россию в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 торговых наименований ГЛС по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 АТС-групп 2-го уровня по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в ноябре 2017 г. Топ-20 импортеров по объему экспорта ГЛС из России в ноябре 2017 г.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(3):76-78

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