No 4 (2018)

Full Issue

Deshevye ZhNVLP mogut poluchit' zashchitnuyu markirovku besplatno
Article E.
Центр развития перспективных технологий (ЦРПТ, оператор единой национальной системы маркировки и прослеживаемости товаров) готов безвозмездно обеспечить защитной маркировкой препараты нижнего ценового сегмента, включенные в перечень ЖНВЛП. По информации РБК, консультации на эту тему ведутся между ЦРПТ и представителями правительства РФ. Льготные условия могут быть распространены на препараты стоимостью до 20 руб. за упаковку: ЦРПТ будет бесплатно генерировать код маркировки для этих ЛС и бесплатно отслеживать их движение. Помимо этого, компания выражает готовность за свой счет оборудовать медицинские учреждения регистраторами выбытия ЛС из оборота и обеспечить их сервисное обслуживание. Средняя стоимость маркировки и отслеживания 1 упаковки ЛС составляет около 50 коп. Ежегодно в РФ выпускается около 950 млн упаковок лекарств стоимостью до 20 руб. в ценах производителя. Таким образом, льготные условия позволят сэкономить производителям дешевых ЛС около 450 млн руб.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):3-7
The only man in «The white gown» on the way of responsible self-treatment
Yagudina R.I., Logvinyuk P.A.
Self-treatment is a very important issue referring to understanding reasons. A recent sociological survey revealed that most of Russian Federation population in case of poor health prefer self-treatment and address doctors only in the last resort. There are various causes, for example: the insufficient access and quality of medical care, etc. It is obvious to improve access to medical aid we need to optimize the existing infrastructure. At the same time, the self-treatment risk minimizing should be the first task. And it is the pharmacists who can significantly influence the quality of self-treatment and secure it.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):8-11
Responsible self - management is a conscious approach to health
Kaplya-Bubenets V...
Iational Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine FGBU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (NMC PM), with the support of Bayer prepared a concept of responsible self-management, the first document in Russia defining the principles of responsible self-management, as well as a list of diseases and symptoms in which it can be applied effectively and safely. The document provides a socio-economic justification for the concept using the example of foreign countries and gives practical guidelines for the introduction of responsible self-management in Russia for doctors, pharmacists, drug manufacturers, control authorities and patients.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):12-13
Practice of introduction of discipline «Pharmaceutical advice» in the training process of future workers of pharmacy organizations
Soboleva M.S.
The discipline «Pharmaceutical Advice» was introduced into the training process of students in speciality Pharmacy in the Far-Eastern State Medical University in 2015. The classes were held at the Center for Simulation Training and Accreditation. Feasibility and effectiveness of the innovation was assessed on the basis of a survey of students after they had passed an intermediate attestation (pass/fail exam). The questionnaire data showed the interest of students in the discipline, the need for such knowledge, as the theoretical knowledge they received studying the disciplines «Pharmacology» and «Clinical Pharmacology» doesn't always suffice alone to work in the pharmacy in the future. In most cases, the graduates have difficulties interviewing patients, advising on the symptoms of diseases, and simplifying medical terms for shoppers. The key therapeutic groups to be studied within the discipline «Pharmaceutical advice» should be antiviral and antitussive drugs, gastrointestinal tract drugs, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The thematic plan of the training should also include advising on the use of antibiotics and cardiovascular drugs.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):14-17
Special investment contracts: reload or retuning?
Tarasova D., Oganesyan A., Lobanov R.
In December 2017, RF Government Decree No. 1564 (hereinafter referred to as the «Decree») approved amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to special investment contracts (hereinafter referred to as «SpIC»).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):20-22
Artificial intelligence in health care: the system problems
Kolesnichenko O.Y., Kolesnichenko Y.Y., Litvak D...
Health Care becomes the communication system within digital economy. This fact causes the extraordinary complexity in Health Care management. Artificial Intelligence technologies have a basic feature that is self-governing, autonomy in decision-making. Artificial Intelligence's self-governing is a challenge at the population level, which requires to build the right digital architectonics. This issue concerns not only diagnostics and treatment of diseases, but also the accessibility of medical services for population. It is necessary to broader consider the role of Health Care in common economic structure of Internet of Things, and create an anthropocentric infrastructure, in which all types of digital transactions will be included in co-financing of Health Care. This measure wouldn't allow to separate medical services from all segments of Internet of Things, otherwise Health Care financing would be critically cut. The multifunctional cards, such as the «Mir» card, is the first step towards digital integration. This card includes electronic access to medical services and prescriptions along with the ability to pay for travel on transport and other applications as the «Social Card of Moscow citizen».
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):24-30
Meksidol* - novye gorizonty
Article E.
Мексидол® - уникальная разработка отечественной фармацевтической промышленности. Препарат обладает широким спектром фармакологической активности, что позволяет применять его в терапии острых и хронических заболеваний, вызванных гипоксией и ишемией различного генеза [1].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):31-31
Farmatsevticheskiy forum stran EAES i SNG PharmASI
Article E.
27-28 февраля 2018 г. в Москве проходил 9-й Фармацевтический форум стран ЕАЭС и СНГ PharmASI, на котором были рассмотрены актуальные вопросы гармонизации регуляторного пространства ЕАЭС, а также оценена ситуация в здравоохранении и на фармацевтическом рынке стран постсоветского пространства.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):32-35
Kontur Plyus: vazhnost' sootvetstviya kharakteristik glyukometra potrebnostyam patsientov
Litvak N.
В предисловии к 8-й редакции атласа диабета (IDF Diabetes atlas) Шаукат Садикот (Shaukat Sadikot, президент Международной федерации диабета в 2016-2017 гг.) подчеркнул, что это заболевание представляет собой не только серьезную угрозу здоровью, но и глобальную общественную катастрофу [1]. По данным IDF, с 2013 по 2017 г. количество пациентов с сахарным диабетом (СД) увеличилось с 382 до 425 млн человек, а процент не диагностированных - с 45,8 до 50 [1, 2]. Прогнозы также неутешительны: ожидается, что при текущих тенденциях число больных СД возрастет почти в 1,5 раза к 2045 г. и достигнет 629 млн человек [1]. Для улучшения сложившейся ситуации необходимо повышать эффективность управления СД, одну из ключевых ролей в котором играет самостоятельное измерение пациентами уровня глюкозы в крови [3].
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):36-37
Risk sharing schemes based on cost-effectiveness of multiple sclerosis disease modifying drugs: foreign experience and the possibilities of its use in Russia
Tolkushin A.G., Kholovnya-Voloskova M.E., Andreev D.A., Khachanova N.V., Ermolaeva T.N., Davydovskaya M.V., Kokushkin K.A.
The article presents the experience of introducing risk-sharing schemes (RSSs) in the UK and the US, while providing patients with multiple sclerosis disease modifying drugs (MSDMD). The authors assessed the possibility of using some elements of foreign RSSs on the territory of Russia. In particular, it was suggested to use specific criteria for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the MSDMD, which were tracked within the framework of the RSSs in the USA (the fact of aggravation of multiple sclerosis, refusal to continue therapy, etc.), and to introduce the RSSs by issuing an administrative document, as was done by the UK Health Department.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):40-47
Business activity of medical industry enterprises: net profit rating 2016
Romanova S.
The rating was prepared using the state accounting data on about 50 profitable medical device manufacturers.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):50-54
Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry: net profit rating for 2016
Romanova S.
The rating was prepared using the state accounting data of about 70 leading pharmaceutical manufacturers.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):55-58
Business efficiency of enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry: net profit rating for 2016
Romanova S.
The rating was prepared using the state accounting data of about 70 leading pharmaceutical manufacturers.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):59-62
Financial performance of the sub-industry «Manufacturing of irradiation and electrotherapeutic equipment»: 9 months of 2017
Romanova S.
Financial status of industry manufacturers is analysed using the data of State Statistical Reporting Form No. P-3 Information on Enterprise Financial Status (monthly).
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):63-66
Pokazateli vedushchikh mirovykh i otechestvennykh proizvoditeley i distrib'yuterov
Article E.
Производство отдельных групп медицинских изделий за февраль 2018 г. Динамика производства основных ФТГ за февраль 2018 г. 20 крупнейших рекламодателей и рекламируемых марок лекарственных препаратов в российских СМИ в марте 2018 г.
REMEDIUM. 2018;(4):68-70

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