No 10 (2020)

Full Issue

Ambulatornye patsienty s koronavirusom poluchat favipiravir besplatno
Article E.
Минздрав разрешил амбулаторное применение препарата Авифавир (фавипиравир) в терапии коронавирусной инфекции. По назначению врача препарат будет доступен бесплатно в рамках государственной программы по борьбе с коронавирусной инфекцией.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):3-3
Innovative medicines on the Russian pharmaceutical market:key players and main directions of development
Chaplenko A.A., Vlasov V.V., Gildeeva G.N.
In this paper, it was carried out a comprehensive study of the positions of innovative drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market. Authors identified key barriers for developers of original drugs to receive marketing authorization in Russia. They analyzed share of drugs with new active ingredients in the total number of authorized drugs over 10 years, as well as the role of domestic developers. The leading role of transnational pharmaceutical corporations in the introduction of original drugs to the Russian market have been shown.In accordance with the presented data, brief recommendations have been given for improving the regulatory framework in the field of the development and marketing authorization of innovative drugs.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):4-9
Pharmacy market for 9 months 2020: coronavirus and digital
Kalinina N.
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has wreaked havoc with the global economy, challenging health systems, governments and businesses taken as a whole. In particular, the pharmacy retail trade also had to adapt to a new reality in an emergency mode.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):10-12
Russian pharmacy chains ranking based on the results for I-III Q 2020
Bespalov N., Rasshchupkin P.
It looks like the moment of truth will come in the Russian pharmaceutical retail in the coming year after several years of relatively stable development and several waves of feverish demand this year: next year may become a period of the most severe crisis, against which all the current challenges with the introduction of the marking system will seem a mere trifle.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):13-14
Postantibiotikovaya era:chelovechestvo teryaet kontrol' nad infektsiey
Kuminova E.
Устойчивость микроорганизмов к антибиотикам в скором времени может перечеркнуть все завоевания современной хирургии. Даже после успешно проведенной сложнейшей операции с применением высоких технологий пациент может умереть от сепсиса, если весь больничный арсенал антибиотиков окажется бессилен против таких давно известных возбудителей, как кишечная палочка или золотистый стафилококк.Лет десять назад подобные случаи называли «казуистикой», но сегодня по поводу антибиотикорезистентности бьют в набат врачи во всем мире. На уровне государств принимаются программы и стратегии с крупными бюджетами, направленные на борьбу с внутрибольничной инфекцией. Об этой недооцененной микробиологической угрозе жур- налистам рассказали ведущие российские врачи, знающие о проблеме из опыта собственной многолетней работы в стационарах.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):15-17
Overview of antibacterial drug sales for 9 months of 2020
Nechaeva Y.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to treat various infectious diseases affecting the digestive tract, the respiratory and genitourinary systems. This group is one of the most numerous among medicinal products. There are currently more than 100 different active substances on the market that are classified as antibiotics. Considering the drug forms and dosages, the number of drugs exceeds 1,700 names.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):18-21
Nikolay Potekaev: «V lechenii psoriaza neobkhodimstrogo personifitsirovannyy podkhod»
Article E.
Псориаз - одно из самых распространенных хронических заболеваний кожи, которым страдает значительная часть населения планеты. Насколько актуальна в нашей стране проблема псориаза, каковы главные особенности этого неизлечимого заболевания, в какой степени средства современной фармакотерапии позволяют повысить качество жизни пациентов? Эти и другие вопросы мы решили задать Николаю ПОТЕКАЕВУ, главному внештатному специалисту по дерматовенерологии и косметологии Минздрава России, директору ГБУЗ «Московский научно-практический центр дерматовенерологии и косметологии» Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы, заведующему кафедрой кожных болезней и косметологии ГБОУ ВПО «РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России», д.м.н., профессору.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):22-24
Nebulized therapy in the COVID-19 era
Shirokova I., Prozherina Y.
Nebulized therapy is one of the most reliable and affordable respiratory treatments for patients of all ages. Meanwhile, despite the clear advantages of nebulized therapy and the increasing recognition that it is gaining, serious disagreements have arisen concerning the feasibility of the use of nebulizers due to the risk of coronavirus infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. We tried to go further into the matter.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):25-27
AnviMax®: optimal drug to combat ARVI and influenza
Kalinina N.
In the epidemiological season 2019-2020, the situation with the incidence of ARVI and influenza was more critical and significantly compounded by concurrent outbreak and spread of new infection COVID-19 in the Russian Federation, resulting in increased hospitalization rates of people at risk with COVID-19 and influenza co-infection.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):28-30
Comorbid patient with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Shirokova E.N.
The article reviews the evidence for an association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and multiple cardiometabolic disorders, including ischemic stroke, insulin resistance, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, chronic kidney disease and cardiac arrhythmias and outlines the mechanisms that underpin this relationship. The role of ursodeoxycholic acid, a drug with pleiotropic properties, in the treatment of NAFLD has been shown.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):32-37
Vitamin D for the protection of immune system
Shirokova I., Prozherina J.
Vitamin D is the most important regulator of innate and acquired immunity. Due to a wide range of beneficial properties, it affects viral infections, reducing the risk of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Moreover, some research works showed that vitamin D can be used to help fight coronavirus infection.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):38-41
Comparative analysis of business models of top pharmaceutical manufacturing companies: financial analysis
Yasinskaya L.E.
Introduction. Earlier, the comparative analysis of the commercial and investment activities of the companies that play the key roles in the investment processes in the Russian pharmaceutical industry and operate within the four main business models (biotechnological, generic, specialized pharmaceutical companies, active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers) has been conducted. No full assessment of the companies’ activities is conceivable without a financial analysis of their activities to identify the risks of investment activities.Objective of the study. A detailed comparative analysis of the financial standing of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers operating within the selected business models for further identification of potential financial risks for investors. Research procedure and article structure. Analysis of RAS statements (forms 1 and 2) of 72 over 500 million revenue companies grouped together as selectedbusiness models for the period from 2015 to 2019.Results. The researchers provided a detailed description of the commercial activities of domestic pharmaceutical companies within the business models under consideration. The companies within various business models showed positive revenue growth rates over the past five years. All business models demonstrate consistently high business profitability and a significant share of own capital in the asset profile.Conclusion. The results of the study show the stable financial standing of the pharmaceutical companies within various business models. The biotechnology sector companies that are the most attractive for investments have the highest quality financial standing. The specialized and generic companies show similar consistently strong performance. API manufacturers that the companies with relatively small revenues are actively developing and are attractive to restrained budget investors.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):43-52
The problem of the availability of intra-pharmaceutical drugs(on the example of the Irkutsk region)
Moroz T.L., Ryzhova O.A.
Introduction. Due to the high demand for custom-made medicines, the aim of this study was to analyze the physical availability of custom-made medicines for the population of the Irkutsk region.Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the number of production pharmacies in the Irkutsk region in 2000 and 2019 was carried out. The analysis of the problems of opening production pharmacies is carried out.Results. The analysis found that in 2000 in the Irkutsk region there were 166 production pharmacies, and in 2019 only 19 remained, i.e. there was a decrease in the number of municipal production pharmacies by 9 times. According to the regional Ministry of Health, 195.5 thousand people (8.2% of the region’s population) are not able to receive pharmaceutical products manufactured at the pharmacy due to the closure of municipal pharmacies in 8 districts.Conclusion. To resolve the most difficult situation, it is necessary at the state level: to determine the need for drugs for extreme production by assortment and analyze the range of analog industrial production available on the global pharmaceutical market, organize their registration in the Russian Federation and subsequent purchases; to consider the possibility of opening in large cities production according to GMP standards and the production of necessary medicines with a longer shelf life for the needs of organizations and the public and their delivery to consumers.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):54-57
Pharmaceutical industry in the first half of 2020
Romanova S.
The analysis of pharmaceutical enterprises is performed using the data of the state statistical reporting of the industry enterprises. According to Rosstat, the quantum index by type of economic activity with code 21. 2: “Manufacture of drug products and materials used for medical purposes” for the first half of the year was at the level of 115.8% compared to the same period of the previous year, and 161.2% compared to code 21.1: “Manufacture of pharmaceutical substances”.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):58-62
Na rasstoyanii vytyanutoy ruki, ilikak farmkompanii menyayut sistemu prodvizheniya
Kuminova E.
Кризис, вызванный коронавирусной пандемией, заставил фармацевтические компании пересмотреть ключевые бизнес-процессы. Изменения продиктованы необходимостью сократить пребывание сотрудников в офисах и на предприятиях, минимизировать их поездки на общественном транспорте и ограничить контакты. Были свернуты многие клинические исследования, если они не относились к борьбе с COVID-19, преобразована работа медицинских представителей компаний, отложены лончи. Активизировалась только электронная коммерция, на освоение кото- рой многие компании направили дополнительные усилия.
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):64-66
TOP-pozitsii. Pokazateli vedushchikh mirovykh i otechestvennykh proizvoditeley i distrib'yuterov
Article E.
Производство медицинской продукции за 9 месяцев 2020 года Импорт ГЛС в Россию по итогам 1-го полугодия 2020 года Экспорт ГЛС из России по итогам1-го полугодия 2020 года Фармацевтическая реклама ЛП и БАДв российских СМИ в октябре 2020 года
REMEDIUM. 2020;(10):67-72

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