No 11 (2019)

Full Issue

Lokalizatsiya rossiyskogo farmproizvodstva v Afrike
Article E.
Россия заинтересована в локализации производства лекарственных препаратов и вакцин в странах Африки. Об этом заявил в интервью ТАСС глава министерства промышленности и торговли РФ Денис Мантуров в рамках форума «Россия -Африка». По словам министра, российская сторона изучает вопрос об организации упаковочного фармпроизводства либо розлива, таблетирования фармацевтической продукции при условии, что российским компаниям будут предоставлены определенные преференции, в том числе быстрая регистрация с возможностью организации поставок лекарственных средств. Наиболее вероятной страной размещения российских производств является Кот-д'Ивуар
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):4-6
Quantitative of the Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers and their classification
Trofimova E.O., Yasinskaya L.E.
Background. The active growth of the Russian pharmaceutical industry has actualized the study of business models implemented by representatives of the industry. A key element of the business models of pharmaceutical manufacturers is their product portfolio, which has both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Objective of the study is a quantitative analysis of the product portfolios of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers and their classification according to the degree of diversification. Research methodology. The study was conducted using IQVIA data on Russian manufacturers having at least 500 million rubles for their sales at the domestic market in 2018. The analysis included a step-by-step scoring of the nomenclature width and sales concentration in the context of three elements - pharmacotherapeutic groups, INN, SKU. Results. The portfolios classification (21 options) was obtained using a three-digit «code» composed of points characterizing the degree of portfolio diversification in the context of three elements of analysis. As a result of summing up the points of the three-digit «code», a rating of companies was formed, on the base of which three groups of manufacturers were identified by the degree of portfolio diversification. Conclusion. The classification of product portfolios obtained as a result of their quantitative analysis can be used as one of the elements for describing business models, as well as for the most general assessment of commercial risks which are specific for representatives of the Russian pharmaceutical industry.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):8-15
Ad\"yuvanty - nastoyashchee i budushchee vaktsin
Shirokova I.
Вакцинация является одним из ключевых способов избежать развития многих тяжелых заболеваний. По данным ВОЗ, она позволяет предотвратить 2-3 млн смертей в год, а при большем охвате населения прививками эта цифра может увеличиться еще на 1,5 млн [1]. В то же время серьезной проблемой остается создание вакцин, способных эффективно и безопасно формировать иммунитет. Научные исследования и клиническая практика убедительно показали, что оптимальным решением проблемы является введение адъювантов в состав субъединичных и реком-бинантных вакцин [2]. Такой подход уже способствовал созданию более эффективных вакцин против гриппа, а также гепатита В и вируса папилломы человека [3].
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):18-22
Pharmacy market: first 9 months 2019
Beregovykh R., Prozherina Y.
In the past year, the pharmacy sector of the Russian pharmaceutical market kept the positive trend in value terms, while its growth rate in physical terms that has slowed significantly in recent years showed a negative trend. The situation in certain segments of the pharmacy market is characterized by key market indicators based on the results for 9 months of 2019.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):24-26
Chronic vein diseases: a pressing issue of our time
Beregovykh R., Prozherina Y.
Circulatory system diseases remain a challenging medical and social problem for the world's population: prevalence, clinical features and consequences of these diseases largely determine the decline in human life quality and expectancy [1]. Chronic venous diseases (CVD) take a special place in this group of pathologies to which young people are increasingly exposed. In this regard, timely prevention and effective treatment of CVD, especially at the early stages, are of prime importance.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):27-31
EAEU registration procedure: opportunities for work automation
Olefir Y.V., Rychikhina E.M., Koshechkin K.A.
The launch of regulatory practices in the registration of medicines for circulation in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union implies a transition to a new format for maintaining and submitting registration documentation. The format of an electronic general technical document is intended to automate the work on the examination of materials of the dossier and relieve the burden on experts of regulatory bodies. Moreover, the approach to the implementation of the principles laid down in the decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission may differ. Attempts to preserve the national practice of accepting materials from the dossier in violation of the principles established in international treaties can lead to excessive pressure on the regulatory system of the participating countries and, as a consequence, lead to noncompliance with the deadlines for registration procedures. As a solution, the article proposes an optimal algorithm for constructing a procedure for working with materials submitted within the framework of regulatory procedures on electronic media.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):34-39
Pharmaceutical advice: efficacy and safety
Petrova S.V., Kononova S.V., Ponomareva A.A., Zhukova O.V., Shalenkova E.V., Chesnokova N.N., Bogomolova L.S., Dadus N.N.
The process of providing pharmaceutical services is modelled on the example of pharmaceutical counselling in order to assess the quality of pharmaceutical services. The model constitutes a combination of pharmaceutical and medical knowledge, communication and commercial skills, a methodology for selling pharmaceutical products, and analytical skills in assessing consumer behaviour. As follows from the analysis of the working model of the pharmaceutical specialist (PS), it was found that pharmaceutical specialists are more proficient in commercial skills. This is associated with the solution of marketing problems and the PS incentive program, and to a lesser extent, employees possess pharmaceutical, communicative and medical knowledge that are highly sought by the buyer. During the modelling process, the risk points of pharmaceutical counselling were identified, and recommendations were offered to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):40-46
Efficacy of original bacterial lysate in COPD affected by comorbidity: pharmacoeconomic aspect
Chelenkova I.N., Olefir Y.V., Krylov I.A., Bunyatyan N.D.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disease that is one of the major causes of disability and mortality of patients. Objective of the study: clinical, pharmacological and pharmacoeconomic study of the effect of oral bacterial lysate (BL) - pathogens of respiratory tract infections on the duration of the stable course of COPD and hospitalization rate in patients with different risk factors and comorbidity - the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods of the study: clinical, pharmacological and statistical research methods: retrospective review of inpatients' records, assessment of the patients' quality of life, identifying subgroups of patients with cluster analysis, pharmacoeconomic ABC/VEN analysis of drugs used to treat COPD, the most financially intensive drugs were determined. Determination of current and expected drug treatment practice for COPD, cost-effectiveness analysis, pharmacoeconomic assessment of use of BL in the complex pharmacotherapy for COPD of moderate severity was carried out to analyse the costs and impact on the budget. Results and discussions: the investigational BL prolonged the duration of stable course of the disease in patient clusters of different comorbidities, but along with this significantly increased the period until the next hospitalization due to exacerbation of COPD only in patients with concomitant CKD. Conclusions: the inclusion of oral BL in the pharmacotherapy regimen for COPD results in the reduction of financial costs (by 14% per patient a year) while relieving the symptoms of COPD and improving the patients' quality of life.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):47-52
Bayer v dialoge s rossiyskimi spetsialistami zdravookhraneniya
Article E.
Традиции российской медицины, заложенные нашими великими соотечественниками Н.И. Пироговым, С.П. Боткиным, И.М. Сеченовым, И.П. Павловым, таковы, что роль врача в обществе важна, мнение авторитетно, и пациенты, доверяя ему свое здоровье, прислушиваются к рекомендациям относительно выбора лекарственных средств и терапии в целом. А потому мнение врачей не менее значимо и для производителей лекарств.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):53-53
Construct validation and reliability analysis of a questionnaire to evaluate the factors influencing pharmacy staff's recommendation of over-the-counter drugs in Vietnam
Tran V.D., Dorofeeva V.V., Lagutkina T.P.
The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable tool for assessing factors affecting recommendation of over-the-counter drugs from pharmacy staff. A total of 422 pharmacy staff took part in this study. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Rasch analysis were used to evaluate construct validity and reliability of a questionnaire. The results showed that the questionnaire had acceptable construct validity (CMIN/df = 2,95; RMSEA = 0,07; SRMR = 0,06; CFI = 0,89; GFI = 0,92; Infit and Outfit MNSQ: 0,77-1,24; PTMEA CORR: 0,20-0,41) and good overall internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0,73). The developed questionnaire has great practical significance and potential for studying the preferences of pharmacists when recommending over-the-counter drugs.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):54-60
Investment activity and financial results of pharmaceutical companies: intermediate results of 2019
Romanova S.
The analysis of investment activity of pharmaceutical industry enterprises was carried out according to the data of the state statistical reporting form No. P-2 «Information on Investments in Non-Financial Assets». Investments in fixed capital of enterprises in various sectors of the economy by type of activity with the OKVED221 code: «Production of medicines and materials used for medical purposes» in the first half of 2019 in Russia amounted to 18.609 billion rubles, which is 1.84 times higher than the previous year. In the first half of 2019, pharmaceutical companies with the OKVED221 code invested 18.595 billion rubles in fixed assets. The source of these investments was mainly own funds of the industry enterprises - 15.476 billion rubles, or 83.23% of the total amount. The main source of funds raised was bank loans - 1.922 billion rubles, or 61.62%, as well as borrowings from other organizations - 0.505 billion rubles, or 16.19% of the total amount of funds raised. It is possible to assess the financial condition of the industry enterprises by the level of financial stability and solvency, which are characterized by appropriate coefficients. Let's consider in general for the industry the values of the coefficients that characterize: a) financial stability: the ratio of borrowed and own funds, the coefficient of autonomy, the coefficient of maneuverability and the coefficient of own funds availability, b) solvency: the coefficient of absolute liquidity, the liquidity ratio and the coverage ratio. As the results of the analysis of the financial condition of pharmaceutical industry enterprises have shown, all the coefficients that characterize the level of financial stability and solvency of the industry enterprises were within the normative values. The only exception was the absolute liquidity and coverage coefficients, which turned out to be lower than the normative level.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):62-69
Rating of pharmaceutical companies by return on equity in 2017
Romanova S.
Return on equity (ROE) - an indicator of net profit in comparison with the equity of the organization. This is the most important financial indicator of return for any investor, the owner of the business, showing how effectively the capital invested in the business has been used, i.e. how much profit each ruble invested in the business of the company by its owners brings. It is the most important one to assess business activity and investment attractiveness of the company in the long term. The efficiency of using own capital can be assessed by comparing the profitability of own capital in the dynamics or comparing it with the same indicator for other similar enterprises of the same industry. We will compare the values of this ratio at pharmaceutical enterprises as of the beginning and end of 2017. As a result, we will conduct a rating of the enterprises of the industry according to these criteria. The rating was conducted according to the data of the state accounting reports of 90 leading pharmaceutical companies. As of the end of the reporting year, the return on equity of the industry averaged 18.18%, i.e. each ruble invested in the equity of the industry's enterprises brings an average of 18 kopecks of net profit. In the reporting year, this coefficient decreased by 3.38 points. LLC GIPPOCRAT stands out among the leaders by this indicator, the return on equity capital of which amounted to 73.48%, which is 4.04 times higher than the industry average. Thus, each ruble invested in the business of this enterprise brings 73.5 kopecks of net profit.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):70-74
Genomnye tekhnologii v etiko-pravovom aspekte
Kuminova E.
В России слабо разработаны правовые и этические основы изучения генома, создания и применения генетических технологий. Данное обстоятельство приобретает особую важность, когда технологии выходят за пределы научных лабораторий и становятся доступными для пациентов. Об этом шла речь за круглым столом, проведенным 31 октября в Москве по инициативе Российской медицинской академии непрерывного профессионального образования.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):76-77
«Tochka ru» ubivaet aptechnyy rynok
Kuminova E.
В ходе затянувшегося ожидания закона о дистанционной торговле лекарствами атмосфера на аптечном рынке накаляется. С одной стороны, зайти на него приготовились уже известные интернет-магазины, с другой - там уже застолбили себе место некоторые дистрибьюторы, наладившие массовый самовывоз своей продукции через чужие аптеки. Последние вызывают куда большее раздражение у представителей аптечных сетей, чем коммерсанты, не имеющие отношения к фарме. До такой степени, что для представителя НПК «Катрен» (владелец проекта не нашлось даже места в президиуме тематического пленарного заседания, прошедшего в рамках Аптечного саммита 4 октября. Оправдываться перед коллегами за свой успех ему пришлось из глубины зала.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):78-78
V poiske optimal'nogo rezhima insulinoterapii
Shirokova I.
В сентябре в Барселоне состоялось одно из знаковых для медицинского сообщества событий - 55-й ежегодный конгресс Европейской ассоциации по изучению диабета (EASD, European Association for the Study of Diabetes), собравший около 15 000 делегатов более чем из 130 стран. Свыше 30 научных работ представила на конгрессе компания «Санофи», ознакомив медицинскую общественность с последними результатами, достигнутыми в данной сфере. Компания также провела симпозиумы, призванные привлечь внимание к наиболее важным проблемам, с которыми сталкиваются эндокринологи и их пациенты.
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):79-81
TOP-pozitsii. Pokazateli vedushchikh mirovykh i otechestvennykh proizvoditeley i distrib'yuterov
Article E.
Согласно данным ИАС «Клифар: Импорт-Экспорт», за 1-е полугодие 2019 г. в Россию было импортировано ГЛС на сумму почти 4 472 млн долл., что на 6% выше аналогичного периода прошлого года. Объем импорта тогда составил 4 238 млн долл. (рис.).
REMEDIUM. 2019;(11):82-87

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