Широкова, Ирина, Ремедиум

Journal Issue Section Title Abstract File
REMEDIUM No 1-3 (2020) Articles First aid for nervousness and overexcitement Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-3 (2020) Articles Pain kept at bay by skilled practitioners Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 4-6 (2020) Articles Speaking in support of patients with HIV-infection Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 4-6 (2020) Articles Diabet pod kontrolem dazhe vo vremya epidemii Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 4-6 (2020) Articles Thioctic acid: an evidence-based medicine perspective Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 7-8 (2020) Articles Hepatitis C treatment breakthroughs Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 7-8 (2020) Articles JAK inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis: new opportunities and perspectives Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2020) Articles Phosphogliv® URSO: a comprehensive approach to the treatment of biliary pathology Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2020) Articles A breakthrough in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 10 (2020) Articles Nebulized therapy in the COVID-19 era Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 10 (2020) Articles Vitamin D for the protection of immune system Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 11-12 (2020) Articles If the diagnosis is coinfection Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-2 (2019) Articles Changes in VED list: an opportunity that came true Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-2 (2019) Articles Digital-strategii v farmbiznese: tochki rosta Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 3 (2019) Articles Na styke biologii i farmakologii Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 3 (2019) Articles Telemeditsinskie resheniya - okno vozmozhnostey Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 5 (2019) Articles Uluchshit' prognoz onkologicheskikh bol'nykh Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 5 (2019) Articles Ot idey k voploshcheniyu Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 6 (2019) Articles Umnye tekhnologii na sluzhbe zdravookhraneniya Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 7-8 (2019) Articles Eksport kak tochka rosta otechestvennoy farmindustrii Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2019) Articles Understanding stroke through the lens of global trends Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2019) Articles Innovative technologies become available for psoriasis patients Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 10 (2019) Articles Zhenskoe zdorov'e pod zashchitoy Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 10 (2019) Articles Rossiyskiy rynok rastet blagodarya gossegmentu Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 11 (2019) Articles Ad\"yuvanty - nastoyashchee i budushchee vaktsin Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 11 (2019) Articles V poiske optimal'nogo rezhima insulinoterapii Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-2 (2018) Articles Gripp: nepredskazuemaya ugroza i optimal'nye resheniya Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-2 (2018) Articles The ved list changes to assist in the treatment & management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 1-2 (2018) Articles Russia builds the future without tobacco Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 3 (2018) Articles A new step in the treatment of «king's diseases» Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 5 (2018) Articles Implementing a leadership concept Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 5 (2018) Articles Focus on the elimination of hepatitis C virus Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 5 (2018) Articles Rynok truda - adaptatsiya k novym vyzovam Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 6 (2018) Articles Mesacol: topical drug gains new perspectives Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 6 (2018) Articles Sterilizatsionnoe i dezinfektsionnoe oborudovanie STEELCO i «Farmstil» - garantiya i kachestvo Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 7-8 (2018) Articles Razvivat' biznes, razvivaya otrasl' Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2018) Articles Peptides against stroke Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 9 (2018) Articles Does the future lie with infusion hepatoprotection? Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 10 (2018) Articles New immunization level Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 11 (2018) Articles Nedetskie problemy detskoy farmakoterapii Abstract PDF
REMEDIUM No 12 (2018) Articles Vladimir Zakharov: «Pered vrachom stoit zadacha obespechit' podderzhku neyroreabilitatsii posle perenesennogo insul'ta» Abstract PDF

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